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Rep. Raskin's scheme to bar Trump from office after his election revealed in damning video
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Rep. Raskin's scheme to bar Trump from office after his election revealed in damning video

A senior adviser to President Donald Trump suggested Raskin was proposing a 'criminal conspiracy to commit election interference.'

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) has evidently spent a great deal of time contemplating unseemly ways to keep Democrats in power.

Ahead of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision regarding President Donald Trump's immunity in U.S. v. Donald Trump, Raskin was among the Democrats who campaigned to neutralize conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito on the high court.

Christopher Bedford, senior editor for politics and Washington correspondent for Blaze Media, indicated at the time that the broader purpose of that campaign was "to try to combat virtually the only check remaining on the Democrat Party's political power."

Keen for a ruling favorable to the Democratic agenda, Raskin not only denigrated the conservative justices but recommended that the Harris-Biden Department of Justice pressure the court to "require Justices Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves not as a matter of grace but as a matter of law."

Raskin ultimately failed in his efforts to cure the Supreme Court's decisions; however, he apparently still has other designs on delivering Democrats the 2024 election.

Troubling footage from a Feb. 17 panel discussion at a D.C. book store has resurfaced in which Raskin details how Congress could prevent Trump from taking office following his election by the American people.

Raskin correctly and begrudgingly predicted that the Supreme Court would rule that Trump could not be disqualified from Colorado's presidential primary ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, calling the imminent decision an "abdication of [the court's] very clear duty to disqualify Donald Trump."

The Supreme Court noted in its unanimous March 4 ruling, "The Constitution makes Congress, rather than the States, responsible for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates."

Raskin said, "[The justices on the Supreme Court] want to kick it to Congress, so it's going to be up to us on Jan. 6, 2025, to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he's disqualified."

According to the Democratic congressman, this repeal of the people's will would take place "at the counting of the electoral college votes, which really could lead to something akin to civil war."

'I thought the Left was the party of 'protecting democracy.''

Raskin indicated that after lawmakers disqualify the would-be president-elect, "We need bodyguards for everybody in civil war conditions all because the nine justices — not all of them but these justices who have not many cases to look at every year, not that much work to do, a huge staff, great protection — simply do not want to do their job and interpret what the great 14th Amendment means."

While taking Trump off the board appears to be Democrats' short-term plan, Raskin alluded to their greater aspiration of amending the Constitution more to their liking.

The resurfaced footage has gone viral, prompting a great deal of controversy.

Senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller noted, "I believe this is called a criminal conspiracy to commit election interference."

Elon Muskresponded, "That's a crazy thing for him to say."

"I thought the Left was the party of 'protecting democracy,'" wrote Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.).

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) suggested that Raskin was not only conceding the election but fomenting civil war and "threatening to defy the will of voters."

Turning Point USA CEO Charlie Kirk wrote, "Jamie Raskin is saying that congress will STOP Trump from taking office even if he's chosen by the voters. This is extremely dangerous. Every Democrat needs to be on the record about this immediately."

"This is what an actual threat to Democracy looks like," tweeted Donald Trump Jr.

"Can't he be immediately indicted by the AG of whatever red state he ever stepped foot in for the past 25 years right now as we speak[?]" wrote Mike Benz, executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online. "Isn't that the lesson we learned this year[?]"

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee tweeted, "These arrogant elitist globalists hate the half of America that still loves America."

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Joseph MacKinnon

Joseph MacKinnon

Joseph MacKinnon is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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