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Unbelievable: Progressive bride who didn't want conservative uncle at wedding was still counting on the man to send a check
H. Armstrong Roberts/Retrofile/Getty Images

Unbelievable: Progressive bride who didn't want conservative uncle at wedding was still counting on the man to send a check

A progressive woman said that she would feel unsafe if her uncle attended her wedding, according to the woman's parent, who detailed the situation when writing to an advice columnist.

But apparently the bride had still been counting on receiving a wedding gift from her conservative uncle.

"Dear Amy: Four months before my daughter's wedding, she told me that her uncle (my brother, 'Dave') would make her feel unsafe if he was a guest. She asked me not to invite him," the person wrote. "My daughter is very politically progressive, as are many of her friends, and although she and Dave have always had a good relationship (I thought), he is a conservative voter and has supported candidates we all abhor."

The parent of the bride claimed to have written "a very nice note" informing the man that they would not feel comfortable if he attended and that he was not being invited. The man did not reply. The sibling later sent him a card and photos after the wedding. "I have not heard from Dave since then," the person noted.

"Another problem is that Dave has not sent my daughter and son-in-law a wedding gift. In the past, Dave has given family members wedding checks in excess of $1,000. She says she was counting on receiving the same type of gift," the person wrote. "Dave’s behavior is upsetting and embarrassing to me. How can I get my brother to recognize and change his petty behavior?"

Advice columnist Amy Dickinson suggested that the money issue would "enter the Bridezilla Hall of Infamy."

"Brides who are too afraid of family members to invite them to a family wedding don't then get the pleasure of receiving their money," Dickinson wrote.

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Alex Nitzberg

Alex Nitzberg

Alex Nitzberg is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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