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Cop suspended over viral video apparently showing him go into backseat of cruiser with woman, and his wife has responded
Image Source: WTTG-TV YouTube video screenshot composite

Cop suspended over viral video apparently showing him go into backseat of cruiser with woman, and his wife has responded

A Maryland police officer has been suspended over a viral video apparently showing him get into the backseat of his police cruiser with a woman, and someone claiming to be his wife has responded on social media.

The video appeared on TikTok and appeared to show an officer kissing and hugging a woman before they got into the backseat of his police cruiser.

The video immediately went viral with millions of views on social media.

On Wednesday, the Prince George's County Police Department said that it had suspended an officer over the video and begun an investigation into his behavior.

"PGPD Executive Command is aware of a video circulating on social media with one of our officers," said the department. "As soon as we became aware earlier today, we opened an investigation to determine the circumstances."

A person who claimed to have recorded the video and posted it on social media told the Baltimore Banner that the pair were in the back of the police cruiser for about 40 minutes.

"It was concerning because there's kids around," said the unidentified man. "It just seemed off because this is the person that you're supposed to call for suspicious activity doing the suspicious activity, you know."

A woman identifying herself as the officer's wife posted an emotional statement on her Facebook account.

"Thank you everyone. Yes this is a very tough time for me and my kids. As embarrassing and painful as this is please check in on us. We need the support the love and most of all the respect from the community and our families," she wrote.

She went on to claim that the woman in the video had been cheating with her husband for several years and added, "[Y]ou can rot in hell b****."

Prince George's County police union president Angelo Consoli released a statement about the investigation.

“We support our officers during any and all investigations, and ask that people reserve any judgment until the facts come out,” said Consoli. “At which time, we’ll re-evaluate our position.”

Here's more about the viral Maryland cop:

Wife of Prince George's police officer seen in viral video calls ordeal 'embarrassing and painful'www.youtube.com

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.