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Iowa mother loses legs, needs facial reconstructive surgery after attack by 3 pit bulls, officer shoots dogs dead
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Iowa mother loses legs, needs facial reconstructive surgery after attack by 3 pit bulls, officer shoots dogs dead

A mother in Iowa has lost both of her legs and will require facial reconstructive surgery after being mauled by three pit bulls.

Around 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 24, three pit bulls attacked Brittany Skoland at her home in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Neighbor reportedly heard "someone yelling for help," and called the police.

When a police officer arrived, he saw Brittany Skoland being mauled by the three pit bulls.

"The officer attempted to scare the dogs away to stop them from attacking the woman, but the dogs would not stop," read the statement from the Fort Dodge Police Department. "The officer on scene then drew his duty weapon and shot all three dogs multiple times to stop the attack."

A local resident told KCCI that it took several rounds to subdue the animals.

“I was sitting in my living room, and I was just sitting there and all of a sudden I heard bang bang bang, and I come to the door and I seen all the cops, well there was only one at the time, and I seen the lady laying on the ground and the dogs going at her and the cops shot them. And it was quite a few rounds of ammunition to get them down,” Rosemary Possehn told the news outlet.

The officer shot all three pit bulls dead.

However, Skoland had already suffered serious injuries from the pit bull attack.

Skoland was transported to nearby Unity Point Trinity Regional Medical Center, and later flown to Iowa Methodist Medical Center in Des Moines.

A GoFundMe campaign was launched to assist the Iowa mother with medical bills.

Skoland's aunt, Teresa Hanus, wrote in the fundraising description: "As of 12/2 Brittany has lost a lot more than we originally thought. She's had many surgeries and procedures in the last few days. She has had both legs amputated to her knees."

The aunt noted that her niece suffered serious head trauma and will need facial reconstruction surgery.

Because of the vicious dog attack that took Skoland's legs, her home will need special accommodations for when she returns home and is bound to a wheelchair.

The owner of the pit bulls was reportedly not cooperative when questioned by a local television news channel.

KCCI attempted to speak to the owner of the dogs, but he allegedly "yelled obscenities and told KCCI to go away before walking into his home."

The dog owner has reportedly not been charged with any crimes as of yet.

Law enforcement is still investigating the brutal pit bull attack.

As of Sunday afternoon, the GoFundMe had raised over $16,000.

Anyone with information on the animal attack is urged to contact the Fort Dodge Police.

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Fort Dodge woman recovering in hospital after dog attackwww.youtube.com

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Paul Sacca

Paul Sacca

Paul Sacca is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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