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Texas AG Paxton suing Biden admin over 'disturbing' new rule pushing LGBTQ+ agenda on foster homes
Photo (left): MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images; Photo (right): Erik McGregor/LightRocket via Getty Images

Texas AG Paxton suing Biden admin over 'disturbing' new rule pushing LGBTQ+ agenda on foster homes

States would lose federal funding under the new rule if they didn't accept LGBTQ+ identities.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced a lawsuit against new regulations that would force foster care programs to support the LGBTQ+ agenda.

'The federal government is now attempting to hold the Texas foster care system hostage and force through their unscientific, fringe beliefs.'

The rule change would make federal funding for foster programs dependent on whether those organizations accept and support a child's self-professed LGBTQ+ identity.

"I'm suing the Biden-Harris Administration over a new, disturbing attempt to push the trans agenda on vulnerable children," wrote Paxton on social media.

"Under Biden and Harris, the federal government is now attempting to hold the Texas foster care system hostage and force through their unscientific, fringe beliefs about gender," he added.

A statement about the lawsuit said the rule change from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services would exacerbate a shortage of foster care providers without statutory authority. The state of Texas could lose as much as $432 million in federal funding if the new regulations are implemented and not met.

Opponents of the lawsuit said foregoing the rule change could lead to higher suicide rates.

“We are going to get into a situation where people are empowered to discriminate against these kids,” said attorney Jacklyn Varela, who represents foster youth in many cases.

Paxton went on to say the rule change "directly violates federal law and threatens to undermine our vital foster care programs."

Paxton's efforts are unlikely to get support from Texas Democrats. In June, the Texas Democratic Convention held in El Paso included a transgender activist as a speaker.

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