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Palm Springs unveils 'Pride'-themed patrol car design to encourage diversity and inclusion
Image Source: KESQ-TV YouTube video screenshot

Palm Springs unveils 'Pride'-themed patrol car design to encourage diversity and inclusion

The police department in Palm Springs hopes to encourage diversity and inclusion through a new "Pride"-themed patrol car design.

The rainbow-colored patrol car will be used at the city's Pride celebrations in November, including a Pride flag unfurling.

"It's all about diversity, inclusion and community engagement and that's where, you know, you got a lot of people talking about it," said Lt. Gustavo Araiza to KESQ-TV.

"We've had our officer driving this, and he's been stopped to basically get questions about the vehicle itself," he added. "So, it's an opportunity to connect with the community, as we show that diversity and inclusion."

Araiza said that the department plans to use wrap designs to support other causes like breast cancer awareness.

Many on social media mocked and ridiculed the new Pride police car.

"This is great. Now LGBT bullets can kill unarmed civilians," read one response.

"Can you get anymore disgusting? PS should be better than this," said another critic.

"And this is why I’ll never go to Palm Springs. Wtf are they even doing with tax payers money?!" responded another detractor.

"How about getting the homeless off the streets and focusing on property crime?" read another tweet.

Palm Springs is considered to be one of the most "gay friendly" communities in the U.S., with some estimates saying that 33% to 50% of the city's population identifies as gay.

The city made headlines in 2022 when a drag show featured a young girl dancing with drag queens on stage. One of the drag queens responded to critics online by accusing them of homophobia and being immoral.

Here's a local news report about the gay patrol car:

Palm Springs Police rolls out Pride-themed patrol carwww.youtube.com

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.