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Pennsylvania man killed his father and then posted video on social media holding up his severed head, police say
Image Source: WTAF-TV YouTube video screenshot composite

Pennsylvania man killed his father and then posted video on social media holding up his severed head, police say

A Pennsylvania man posted a video on social media of himself spouting political rhetoric before holding up the severed head of his father after he murdered him, according to police.

32-year-old Justin Mohn said in the video he posted that his father was a traitor and in "hell for eternity" because he was a federal employee for 20 years. The two lived in a home in the township of Middletown.

The video on was viewed about 5,000 times on YouTube before it was taken down, according to WPVI-TV.

Mohn went on an extended political screed before showing the severed head of his 68-year-old father.

"It is said that those who commit treason and betray others occupy the lowest pits of hell for all time. The federal government has declared war on America's citizens and the American states," he said.

"America is rotting from the inside out as far left woke mobs rampage our once prosperous cities, turning them into lawless zones. Taxpayer dollars are printed and are used for anything but the taxpayers with little to no accountability, which has inflated the economy to near destruction. And has made it so that most Americans can no longer afford the American dream," Mohn continued.

"Meanwhile a fifth column army of illegal immigrants infiltrates our border," he added, "and if the traitorous Biden regime is successful in sending America's military overseas to fight for Ukraine and die in a Russian winter, just like every other military who has ever fought Russia in the winter, then America will be less protected when the fifth column of illegal immigrants strikes Americans on our own soil."

He went on to declare himself the "commander of America's national network of militias."

The victim's wife came home to find the gruesome scene, and she immediately called police. When police arrived at the home, they found the father's head in a plastic bag in a kitchen cooking pot.

They were able to catch Mohn about two hours away from the home after he drove away in his father's car. Police said he was found inside of the fence of a National Guard training center and was armed at the time of his arrest.

Mohn is being held without bail. He has been charged with murder and abuse of a corpse.

Here's a news video about the incident:

Neighbors react to Justin Mohn video, Levittown beheadingwww.youtube.com

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.