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Minor traffic collision in Hollywood leads to death of motorist after only one punch, witness says
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

Minor traffic collision in Hollywood leads to death of motorist after only one punch, witness says

The man grew emotional recalling what he saw.

One man died from a fight in a road rage incident after a minor collision in West Hollywood, according to California police.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department released limited details about the lethal altercation in a strip mall parking lot on Wednesday at about 1 p.m.

'He probably didn’t expect to die today. It’s just horrible.'

Witnesses told KTLA-TV that they saw two men aged in their 40s or 50s get into an argument after leaving their respective vehicles.

Sean Harrison said he was grabbing food from a Mexican restaurant when he saw the larger man in the argument throw one punch at the smaller man and knock him unconscious.

“But it didn’t look like it was a punch that would kill someone,” said Harrison.

He said that that the unconscious man appeared like a rag doll after the punch.

The man who fell unconscious was transported to a hospital where he was later declared dead. The other man was also taken to the hospital.

“Just one punch,” Harrison continued. “You never know and that’s why I’m like, ‘Damn, I’m going to keep my mouth shut.”

The witness got emotional after divulging that his father was dealing with a cancer.

"You know why can't we all just get along?" said Harrison. “My dad is dying right now from cancer. He’s fighting for his life and this dude, he probably didn’t expect to die today. It’s just horrible.”

KTLA published video of the interview on YouTube.

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