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Swarms of NYC looters storm Macy's, clean out luxury stores in SoHo despite citywide curfew
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VIDEO: Swarms of NYC looters storm Macy's, clean out luxury stores in SoHo despite citywide curfew

Mayhem in Manhattan

Looters ransacked some of New York City's most famous retailers Monday night as the city's newly imposed 11 p.m. curfew failed miserably to prevent violence and property damage in the city's fifth consecutive day of protests and riots over George Floyd's death.

Chaos at Macy's

Shocking footage of the looting shows hundreds of people storming into Macy's flagship store in Herald Square right before curfew was set to begin.

Shortly after, Daily Beast breaking news reporter Rachel Olding uploaded a video showing police officers rushing into Macy's after the individuals.

"Hundreds of looters and rioters here with absolutely no concerns about cops being here," Olding said of the scene.

Luxury looting

Meanwhile, in SoHo, looters reportedly pulled up to high-end boutiques in expensive cars to snatch luxury items before police could arrive.

NBC producer Keith Feldman posted a wild video of looters allegedly breaking into a store after curfew on Monday night — one of the cars appears to be a Rolls Royce Cullinan, priced at over $300,000.

The New York Times reported that looters also descended on New York's central businesses district Monday night vandalizing the Coach store, Bergdorf Goodman, Barnes & Noble, among other retailers, "destroy[ing] scores of smaller storefronts along the way."

Looters smashed windows and stole shirts, pants, and zip-ups at the Nike store on 5th Avenue and 20th Street.

The curfew didn't work

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) acknowledged that the city's 11 p.m. curfew was a failure and has decided to set an 8 p.m. curfew for Tuesday.

"We're seeing too much of this activity tonight," the mayor reportedly said in an interview.

President Trump derided New York leadership Tuesday, specifically calling out Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo for failing to act.

"New York was lost to the looters, thugs, Radical Left, and all others forms of Lowlife & Scum," Trump said. "The Governor refuses to accept my offer of a dominating National Guard."

(H/T: New York Post)

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