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Nonprofit watchdog labels actor John Cusack 'Antisemite of the Week' over his remarks about the war in Israel
Photo by Manny Hernandez / Getty Images

Nonprofit watchdog labels actor John Cusack 'Antisemite of the Week' over his remarks about the war in Israel

After the nonprofit group StopAntisemitism posted to X that actor John Cusack was the "Antisemite of the Week," he fired back, claiming that the group was spewing lies about him, according to Fox News Digital.

StopAntisemitism posted to X on Sunday: "Our ‘Antisemite of the Week’ @johncusack has: denied the mass rapes of 10/7; called Hamas a 'charitable organization'; insanely claimed 'Hamas was financed by the Israeli government.'"

The group went on to ask the APA Agency, the talent agency that represents Cusack, why the agency continues to do so even though he holds anti-Semitic views.

The nonprofit posted a link to the X post, which details some of the inflammatory remarks Cusack has made about Jewish people. The group wrote: "In 2019, John Cusack publicly apologized for sharing a grotesque comic that featured an antisemitic trope of 'Jewish control.' The image depicts a hand, adorned with the Star of David, squashing a group of people."

The post included a quote often misattributed to Voltaire, which says that "to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." However, the source of the quote is from white supremacist Kevin Strom. Cusack went on to caption the post and wrote: "Follow the money."

Cusack initially claimed that the horrendous social media post was due to a bot, but after being pressured, the actor ultimately apologized for the post.

Fox News Digital reported that Cusack accused StopAntisemitism of "weaponizing racism against peace activists," but it appears the X post has been deleted.

The now-deleted post continued: "Slandering smearing people - I want to know if people who follow them know - and if they know do they condone this vile behavior?"

In a separate X post about a potential ceasefire in the Middle East, Cusack wrote: "My god - my god - if you don’t call for a cease fire - You have no soul - We can’t stop until this stops - it’s the most shameful thing I can imagine - staying silent in the face of this."

One X user replied: "@johncusack when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th, they crossed the line. When they capitulate and unconditionally surrender, then peace has a chance. Hamas is not interested in co-existence. So a ceasefire fire solves nothing. Sad but true."

StopAntisemitism concluded its article about Cusack by writing, "Cusack shockingly concluded that he looks at the obituaries of Zionists with 'great pleasure.'"

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