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Police issue assault charges for 3 white males in Alabama riverfront brawl that went viral online
Image Source: KABC-TV YouTube video screenshot

Police issue assault charges for 3 white males in Alabama riverfront brawl that went viral online

Alabama police announced Tuesday the initial results of an investigation into a massive riverfront brawl that involved a group of white people and a larger group of black people.

The bizarre fight went viral online after videos circulated on social media.

Montgomery Police Chief Darryl Albert gave an update on the police investigation into the incident on Monday.

The brawl originated from a dispute on Saturday evening between the group on a private boat and Damien Pickett, the co-captain of the Harriott II riverboat with 227 people onboard. After the riverboat was forced to wait for 40 minutes to dock because of the private boat, Pickett got into an argument with some of the men from the smaller boat.

A number of white males assaulted Picket before a larger number of black males from the Harriott II joined the fray and assaulted them. Videos from the brawl were recorded by many from the Harriott II.

13 people have been detained that night by police for questioning.

On Monday, Albert said three people had been served arrest warrants so far, all of which were for white males.

48-year-old Richard Roberts faces two warrants for third-degree assault, 23-year-old Allen Todd faces one warrant for third-degree assault, and 25-year-old Zachary Shipman faces one third-degree assault warrant.

Mayor Steven Reed noted that none of the three were residents of Montgomery.

Albert said that no hate crime-related charges or riot charges had been issued so far but that the investigation was ongoing. He said that police were asking 42-year-old Reggie Gray, who is believed to be the man who hit a woman with a folding chair, to come in for questioning.

He added that Pickett had been the only person involved to be treated at a hospital.

"This is not indicative of who we are as a city," Albert said. "We will not allow this type of behavior in our city."

Here's more about the riverfront brawl arrests:

Arrest warrants issued after boaters attack Alabama dock employeewww.youtube.com

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.