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Missing MA man found at the bottom of a well on his own property: Report
Photo by Larry W. Smith/Getty Images

Missing MA man found at the bottom of a well on his own property: Report

The body of a man was reportedly discovered at the bottom of a well after he had been missing for more than two months. The well was located on the man's own property in Avon, Massachusetts.

The Miami Herald reported that Keith McKechnie, 45, disappeared after leaving his home on September 7. McKechnie was not discovered until November 25, when a relative found him at the bottom of a well on his property.

McKechnie's family and the authorities had been consistently searching for him since his disappearance.

District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey released a statement, saying that "our thoughts are very much with the McKechnie family tonight," adding that "this is a very sad result."

Medical examiners are expected to carry out an autopsy on McKechnie's body to try to find clues as to what happened that might have led to his death.

However, the Massachusetts State Police homicide investigators did not initially find any "obvious signs of trauma" when they looked at the body on Saturday.

WBTS reported that McKechnie's brother — who lives out of state — and a cousin used a GoPro to search the well, and that was when they noticed something. After they discovered the body, they called the police.

McKechnie's longtime neighbor John Hegarty said that "it just seems kind of strange that he was right there in the back yard the whole time."

"It doesn't make sense because that was the first place I would've looked if I knew there was a well there."

The police in Avon confirmed that they had visually searched the well before McKechnie's relatives called and said that they had found the body there.

Christine Connolly, McKechnie's cousin, said that "the family made several calls as well as in person and asked them that the well needed to be looked at."

"We felt something nefarious happened because Keith didn’t have his wallet, cell phone or his glasses. The glasses were found by the well on the ground. We were told that they had determined due to the size of the well and Keith’s build, he wouldn’t fit," Connolly added.

Aaron McKechnie, Keith's brother, said, "I told them he was a large size and if his body was being concealed the most likely place to find him would be in the well by the side of the garage where he stays."

The case is still under investigation.

Police find body of Avon man, missing since September, in wellwww.youtube.com

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