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Michigan blue-collar worker says Joe Biden 'went off the deep end' in viral confrontation showing presidential candidate cursing at, threatening him
Image source: Fox News video screenshot

Michigan blue-collar worker says Joe Biden 'went off the deep end' in viral confrontation showing presidential candidate cursing at, threatening him

Jerry Wayne also said of the Democratic front-runner: 'You work for the American people, and if you can't understand that, then you don't deserve to have a leg in this race'

On the heels of Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden's threatening cuss-out of a blue-collar worker at a Detroit auto plant Tuesday, Jerry Wayne told "Fox & Friends" Wednesday morning that the former vice president "went off the deep end" with him — and doesn't deserve to be in the White House if he can't understand that he works for the American people.

What's the background?

Biden was touring a Fiat Chrysler assembly plant under construction Tuesday and spoke to Wayne, who isn't an auto worker but was working at the plant. The exchange was caught on video.

At one point Wayne told Biden, "You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns" — to which Biden replied, "You're full of s**t."

After Biden told Wayne he owns shotguns and supports the Second Amendment — though strangely saying, "You're not allowed to own any weapon. I'm not taking your gun away at all ..." — Wayne replied that Biden said he would take away guns in a "viral video" with former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke.

"I did not say that ... I did not say that!" Biden shot back, adding that the video and others like it "are simply a lie."

Soon Biden was pointing his finger right in Wayne's face, after which the blue-collar worker waved his hand in front of Biden's finger and said, "This is not OK, all right?"

Then Biden really lost it: "Don't tell me that, pal, or I'm going to go outside with you."

"You're working for me, man!" Wayne angrily replied.

"I'm not working for you," Biden growled back, adding, "Don't be such a horse's ass."

Here's the clip. (Content warning: profanity)

By the way, MSNBC broadcast a selectively edited video of the unhinged interaction, as veteran reporter Andrea Mitchell said she was "paraphrasing" Biden's "full of s**t" remark as "full of it." GOP national spokesperson Elizabeth Harrington criticized the network for leaving out Biden's expletives and threat and instead saying Biden was simply "mixing it up."

The morning after

During his appearance on "Fox & Friends" Wednesday morning, Wayne said he had asked Biden how he expects votes from the "working man when a lot of us ... bear arms, and we like to do that. And if he wants to give us work and take our guns, I don't see how he's going to get the same vote." Then the fireworks began.

Wayne said Biden "could have easily said, 'I'm not taking questions,' and I would have very respectfully walked away. But he wanted to listen to my question, and I don't think that he was ready for it."

In an extended version of the interview as seen on Mediaite, Wayne added that Biden "doesn't need to touch anybody's weapon at all. What we need to do is we need to concentrate on teaching people how to respect firearms and how to use them, not take them away."

"Fox & Friends" co-host Steve Doocy asked in the extended interview, "Were you surprised ... that you asked a civil question, and Joe Biden just went off the deep end on you?"

"Yeah. I thought I was pretty articulate and respectful," Wayne replied. "I didn't try to raise any feathers. And he kind of just went off the deep end. I saw that he was digging a hole, and I just kind of let him talk for a while to dig a hole."

Wayne also said he was put off by Biden's "I don't work for you" comment.

"He was the vice president; he wants to be the president now," Wayne said in the extended interview, adding that "you work for the American people, and if you can't understand that, then you don't deserve to have a leg in this race."

Anything else?

During the interview with Wayne, "Fox & Friends" replayed past video interviews with Biden — the first with CNN's Anderson Cooper, who asked, "To gun owners out there who say, 'Well, a Biden administration means they're going to come for my guns'?"

"Bingo," Biden replied. "You're right — if you have an assault weapon. The fact of the matter is they should be illegal. Period. Look, the Second Amendment doesn't say you can't restrict the kinds of weapons people can own."

The second clip replayed was during a recent campaign rally, where Biden said Beto O'Rourke would be mobilized to "take care" of America's gun situation — and O'Rourke already had infamously declared, "Hell, yes, we're going to take away your AR-15s."

And at the rally, Biden told O'Rourke onstage, "I wanna make something clear ... you're gonna take care of the gun problem with me. You're gonna be the one who leads this effort. I'm counting on you."

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Dave Urbanski

Dave Urbanski

Sr. Editor, News

Dave Urbanski is a senior editor for Blaze News.
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