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Mayorkas does not take any responsibility for illegal immigrant allegedly killing mother of five
Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Mayorkas does not take any responsibility for illegal immigrant allegedly killing mother of five

'That is my response.'

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas refused to take responsibility for the 2023 murder and rape of a Maryland mother of five that was allegedly committed by an El Salvadoran who illegally crossed into the United States in February 2023.

Rachel Morin was found dead near a hiking trail 10 months ago. Maryland law enforcement recently announced they had arrested Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez for the crime.

“I do want to ask you about the murder of this Maryland mother that has been in the news. It’s gotten a lot of attention. She was killed last year. An undocumented immigrant was just arrested in her death last week. He’s suspected of multiple crimes since he crossed the border illegally in early 2023," CNN host Jim Acosta said.

"Obviously, you know, we know that studies show that undocumented immigrants don’t commit more crimes statistically than native-born U.S. citizens. But what do you say to critics who blame the administration for allowing something like this to happen? Obviously, this is something that you hear in right-wing media all the time," Acosta added.

'American citizens are not safe because of their failed immigration policies.'

“Jim, first and foremost, of course, our hearts break for the children, the family, the loved ones, the friends of the individual who was murdered, the woman, the mother. Jim, a criminal is responsible for the criminal act. The criminal who committed this heinous act should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law and forcefully so. That is my response," Mayorkas replied.

Harford County Sheriff Jeffery Gahler said Morin was likely not Martinez-Hernandez's first victim since illegally entering the United States.

"This suspect fled to the United States after murdering a young woman in El Salvador in January 2023," Gahler said. "Once here, he brutally attacked a nine-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion in Los Angeles in March 2023."

DNA evidence collected from the March 2023 crime scene of the Los Angeles attack linked Martinez-Hernandez to the murder of Morin.

"We are 1,800 miles from the southern border. And American citizens are not safe because of their failed immigration policies," Gahler said.

Mayorkas denies any responsibility for released illegal immigrant killing mother of fivewww.youtube.com

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Julio Rosas

Julio Rosas

Julio Rosas is Blaze Media's National Correspondent.

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