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Maui mayor taken to task about number of missing children, overall government response to deadly fires: 'You're a disaster!'
Screenshot of @DrewHLive X video (pictured: Mayor Richard Bissen)

Maui mayor taken to task about number of missing children, overall government response to deadly fires: 'You're a disaster!'

The mayor of Maui County faced some tough questions regarding the number of children still missing and the government's overall response to the deadly fires during a recent press conference.

On Friday, Maui County Mayor Richard Bissen toured various relief stations throughout West Maui established in response to the deadly fires that, while mostly contained, still continue to burn in some areas. Thus far, 114 people are confirmed dead and 850 remain missing.

While speaking to a gaggle of reporters in the parking lot of the Lahaina Gateway station, Bissen became noticeably frustrated with the line of questions from two unidentified men. Not only did Bissen admit that he didn't "know" how many of the 850 missing people are children, but when one of the men expressed incredulity that the mayor could not even offer a rough estimate, Bissen nearly canceled the press conference. "I guess we can end this right now if you guys want," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

Moments later, Bissen claimed that the two men — one in a gray shirt, one in a blue shirt — were trying "to ruin" the press conference for the other reporters, who the Star Advertiser claimed "were waiting to ask questions of their own." It is unclear whether either of the men represent a news outlet.

At that point, the man in gray quickly switched from asking questions of the mayor to openly criticizing him for poor leadership during the crisis. "You're a disaster!" the man stated emphatically. "You have been the worst mayor we could have ever possibly imagined!"

"This is the most dismal response we've ever had," he added.

Bissen, though acknowledging that those in the media were "welcome" to speak their mind, continued to insist that the man in gray was speaking out of "turn" and thereby spoiling the press conference. The man was soon afterward removed from the area.

Bissen, a former judge, was just elected to the mayor's office last November, when he decisively defeated incumbent Mayor Michael Victorino with nearly 62% of the vote. "Tonight was about thanking every one of you," Bissen told a crowd of supporters on Election Night 2022. "Tomorrow, if we win, our focus is going to be our future and our future generations."

That same election, residents in Maui County voted overwhelmingly to pass a new proposal regarding water control. The proposal, which passed with almost 75% of the vote, would establish "community water authorities" that would "manage water collection and delivery systems acquired by the Water Authorities" and "provide a long-term reliable supply of water for domestic and agricultural needs."

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Cortney Weil

Cortney Weil

Sr. Editor, News

Cortney Weil is a senior editor for Blaze News.
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