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Marco Rubio warns that Raphael Warnock is 'unabashed Marxist sympathizer who would destroy the American Dream'
Jessica McGowan/Getty Images

Marco Rubio warns that Raphael Warnock is 'unabashed Marxist sympathizer who would destroy the American Dream'

Rubio: 'Democrat Raphael Warnock is the most radically liberal candidate anywhere in the country'

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) delivered a warning to Georgians about Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock ahead of the upcoming runoff elections on Jan. 5. Rubio urged people to vote for Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler because Warnock's "policies do not represent Georgia values."

"Democrat Raphael Warnock is the most radically liberal candidate anywhere in the country," Rubio wrote in a Fox News opinion piece. "He would vote in lock-step with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., to eliminate the Senate filibuster, pack the U.S. Supreme Court, raise taxes on families and small businesses by trillions of dollars, decimate families and farmers with the Green New Deal, socialize your health care, shut down the economy, and weaponize technology companies to silence dissent."

Rubio labeled Warnock as "an unabashed Marxist sympathizer who would destroy the American Dream."

"He has repeatedly praised Marxism and socialism, and slammed capitalism, writing that 'the Marxist critique has much to teach the black church' and that the Black middle-class should pay more attention to the 'hard questions about the distribution of wealth,'" the senator wrote.

Earlier this month, Loeffler's campaign released a compilation of Warnock's writings and associations that appear to flirt with Marxism and socialism.

Like Rubio, Loeffler has made comments about Warnock's coziness with Marxism, and in November, she said that her Democratic challenger has "a Marxist ideology."

During an appearance on Fox News' "Hannity" on Wednesday night, Loeffler said she and fellow Georgia Republican Sen. David Perdue "are the firewall to socialism in this country."

"If we don't vote, we could see the election of America's first Marxist senator in this country, right here in Georgia. And that's why we're the firewall," Loeffler said of Warnock if he is elected.

"My opponent, radical liberal Raphael Warnock, is a socialist," Loeffler said during the debate between the candidates earlier this month. Loeffler challenged Warnock to "renounce socialism and Marxism."

Warnock refused to condemn socialism and Marxism, and defended his politics by replying, "I believe in the free enterprise system."

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott called Warnock a "radical's radical," and questioned the Democratic candidate's comments about Cuba's former Marxist-Leninist dictator Fidel Castro. When Castro died in 2016, Warnock said, "We remember Fidel Castro, whose legacy is complex. Don't let anybody tell you a simple story."

Scott slammed Warnock's defense of Castro, "Murder isn't complex. Exporting terrorism across Latin America isn't complex. Denying his people basic human rights isn't complex. This shouldn't be hard."

In his article, Rubio concluded that the country does not need "someone like Raphael Warnock who espouses Marxism and has spent his life siding with brutal dictators."

Loeffler and Warnock will face off in a runoff election, as will incumbent Perdue and Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff. The Georgia races will determine which party controls the Senate next year. The Republicans hold a 50-48 advantage, but the chamber would be split if Warnock and Ossoff win, allowing the vice president to break any ties.

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Paul Sacca

Paul Sacca

Paul Sacca is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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