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Left-wing student calls police on PragerU's Will Witt for conducting interviews on campus: 'They're threatening me ... with their ideals'
Image source: Facebook video screenshot

Left-wing student calls police on PragerU's Will Witt for conducting interviews on campus: 'They're threatening me ... with their ideals'

The student also told cops PragerU tried to 'fearmonger' and 'terrorize' students with its questions

PragerU's Will Witt visited yet another college campus recently to conduct interviews with students when one recognized him — and called campus police on Witt and his camera operator.


After all, the student claimed, they were trying to "fearmonger" students with their questions.

While it isn't clear what campus PraguerU visited, Witt and his camera operator indeed caught the student calling campus police and complaining that Witt and the camera operator were "going up to students, and they're trying to ask them questions and such."

Image source: Facebook video screenshot

"The gall," Witt responded, tongue naturally in cheek.

After the student dropped dime, Witt and his co-worker tried to get the offended student to explain what was wrong with what they were doing — but the student had absolutely nothing specific to give them.

Finally, when a pair of officers arrived at the "scene," the student told them Witt and his camera operator were "terrorizing our students on this campus, and that's not OK."

Wake-up time, kiddo

The student also declared that Witt & Friend were doing much more. "They're threatening me with their language, with their ideals," he said.

But the cops gave him a lesson he's clearly not getting in the classroom.

"That's what freedom of speech is," one of them explained to the incredulous young man.

They informed the student that unless Witt and the camera operator were threatening him physically, no crime has been committed.

"So there's noting you guys can do?" he implored one last time.

Um, that'd be a big ol' no.

And that was that. Win for the First Amendment.

Witt ended the segment by reminding viewers that — once again — "leftists don't support freedom of speech" and that his "dangerous ideas" and "difference of opinion" aren't allowed on campus.

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Dave Urbanski

Dave Urbanski

Sr. Editor, News

Dave Urbanski is a senior editor for Blaze News.
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