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KJP whips out laughable excuse for scandalous answer about anti-Semitism. But watch the video for yourself.
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

KJP whips out laughable excuse for scandalous answer about anti-Semitism. But watch the video for yourself.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed Tuesday she misheard the question preceding her controversial answer about anti-Semitism.

On Monday, a reporter asked Jean-Pierre if the Biden administration is concerned about rising cases of anti-Semitism after Hamas' attack on Israel. Not only did Jean-Pierre respond that the White House has not seen any "credible threats" of anti-Semitism, but she used the opportunity to pontificate about how American Muslims allegedly have been subjected to "a disproportionate number of hate-fueled attacks."

In a statement on Tuesday, Jean-Pierre excused her answer by blaming malfunctioning ears.

"Yes, I did mishear the question," she said in a statement.

"As I have footstomped many times from the podium and on the air, anti-Semitism is an abomination that this President has fought against his entire life; and I feel strongly about that work," the statement continued. "That's why, in the briefing room, I have blasted the repulsive increase in anti-Semitic rhetoric, conspiracy theories, and hate crimes in our nation, calling out that, tragically, this is a rising threat."

It's not clear, however, how Jean-Pierre could have misheard the question.

The reporter specifically asked Jean-Pierre about President Joe Biden's "level of concern right now about the potential rise of anti-Semitism." Jean-Pierre's answer addressed the "level of concern" aspect of the question when she claimed the White House has not "seen any credible threats," thus suggesting the level of concern is low.

Video of the incident also shows that Jean-Pierre made direct eye contact with the reporter while the question was being asked, appeared to engage in active listening, and waited to answer until the reporter finished speaking.

To be fair, Jean-Pierre cleaned up her comments at the daily briefing Tuesday, leaving no room for misunderstanding.

"I want to make something clear at the top, because I understand how important moral clarity is, especially at this time," she told reporters.

"When Jews are targeted because of their beliefs or their identity, when Israel is singled out because of anti-Jewish hatred, that is anti-Semitism, and that is unacceptable," she declared. "There is no place for anti-Semitism. Full stop. Period."

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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