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Study: KJP avoided 98% of questions about Biden scandals in 2023, including White House cocaine and classified docs
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Study: KJP avoided 98% of questions about Biden scandals in 2023, including White House cocaine and classified docs

A new study that compiled White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's answers regarding Biden-related scandals found she had refused to give a concrete response for 98% of the questions in 2023.

The study, compiled by the right-wing Media Research Center, examined White House transcripts regarding major scandals faced by President Biden.

These included questions related to the alleged mishandling of classified documents by then-Vice President Biden, where documents were found in his garage and in libraries.

It also included corruption allegations against the Biden family for their business dealings in China and Ukraine, as well as the mystery of the bag of cocaine found in the White House's West Wing.

Out of 337 questions from reporters related to Biden scandals, Jean-Pierre provided a concrete answer to only eight. This equates to giving a substantive answer just 2.37% of the time.

According to the Daily Mail, to have answered "concretely" meant that the response had to have either directly answered the question, clarified an ambiguity or provide new information, or even correctly given a "yes" or "no" answer.

By category, the press secretary answered anywhere between 0% and 3.4% of questions.

Out of 87 questions related to Biden family corruption, the administration's head communicator gave just three "substantive answers," or 3.44%.

The possible mishandling of documents was the most popular scandal for reporters to ask about; 220 total questions were asked of Jean-Pierre, to which she "concretely answered" just five times, or 2.27%.

In terms of questions regarding the mysterious and apparently untraceable bag of cocaine found in the West Wing in July 2023, reporters asked about the scandal 30 times.

During the 12-day cycle of the story from July 5 to July 17, 2023, Jean-Pierre did not give a "concrete response" to any of the questions, representing 0.0%.

Jean-Pierre was subject to a similar study halfway through 2023, which yielded similar results.

At that time, the study noted that of 252 questions between January 2023 and the end of June 2023, Jean-Pierre gave a definitive answer just six times, leaving her again with an answer rate of just 2%.

This included 217 questions about classified documents and 35 questions about Hunter Biden's business deals. Five questions were directly answered about the documents, leaving room for just one definitive answer about the president's son.

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Andrew Chapados

Andrew Chapados

Andrew Chapados is a writer focusing on sports, culture, entertainment, gaming, and U.S. politics. The podcaster and former radio-broadcaster also served in the Canadian Armed Forces, which he confirms actually does exist.
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