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23-year-old Israeli woman reveals how she narrowly survived Hamas festival massacre as boyfriend was murdered a few feet from her
JACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images

23-year-old Israeli woman reveals how she narrowly survived Hamas festival massacre as boyfriend was murdered a few feet from her

A 23-year-old Israeli woman told her harrowing story of how she miraculously survived the Hamas terrorist attack on the music festival near the Gaza border. Sadly, her boyfriend was not as lucky and was murdered by Hamas militants.

Early Saturday morning, Hamas terrorists swooped into the area of southern Israel where the Supernova music festival was being held. Within seconds, a joyous rave disintegrated into a savage ambush.

The militants went on a murderous rampage and sprayed thousands of bullets at the crowd of 3,500 young people. By the end of the bloody, hours-long massacre, some 260 festivalgoers had been murdered. Plus, there were multiple reports that several of the young women at the all-night festival were raped while they were alive and after being killed.

Tamar Kam and her boyfriend were attending the festival last weekend when tragedy struck. The couple drove roughly 90 minutes from their hometown of Petah Tikvah to the southern Israeli suburb of Kibbutz Re’im.

The pair had planned to attend a party on the holiday of Sukkot, but they found themselves running for their lives as Hamas terrorists indiscriminately slaughtered young Israelis. The young couple ran to a nearby village to escape the carnage.

Kam and her boyfriend came upon an outdoor bunker where approximately 50 other terrified Israelis were hiding. The couple took cover in the bunker, but the Hamas terrorists began lobbing grenades at the structure — killing several people. The couple was forced to climb over dead bodies to escape the compromised bunker.

The pair found a home to hide inside, but the front door was locked. Kam and her boyfriend reportedly entered the seemingly empty house through an open window.

The Daily Beast reported, "Kam ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and holed up in the shower stall. Once there, her boyfriend grabbed a kitchen knife and positioned himself near the front of the house, prepared to do his best in protecting the two of them against any militants going door-to-door."

Suddenly, Kam heard two gunshots and then a voice speaking in Hebrew. She assumed that Israeli rescuers had finally arrived. However, once she exited the bathroom she was allegedly shot in the abdomen. She immediately fell to the floor in pain and was bleeding profusely.

"I thought it was soldiers coming to rescue us, but it was a terrorist speaking Hebrew," Kam recalled. "When I came out of the shower, he shot me."

The terrorists had shot her boyfriend dead.

Later, the family that owned the home emerged from a built-in shelter that they were hiding in. However, there were sounds of gun battles outside and it was too dangerous to seek help.

While waiting for Israeli Defense Forces to arrive, the parents of Kam's boyfriend called her phone. She informed them that their son had been murdered and they started screaming in agony.

After about five hours, IDF soldiers arrived and rushed Kam to the Soroka Medical Center. She was later transferred to a hospital in Be’er Sheva.

Tamar's mother, Limor Kam, told the outlet that she felt "lucky" that her daughter survived the killing spree.

The 23-year-old Israeli said of her boyfriend, "I loved him so much. There are no words to explain. These were young kids, young people. It was a massacre."

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Paul Sacca

Paul Sacca

Paul Sacca is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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