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IRS whistleblower goes public, details how DOJ allegedly interfered in Hunter Biden probe: 'Way outside the norm'
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IRS whistleblower goes public, details how DOJ allegedly interfered in Hunter Biden probe: 'Way outside the norm'

The IRS criminal supervisory special agent who came forward as a whistleblower last month broke his public silence on Wednesday.

Gary Shapley, a 14-year veteran of the IRS, told CBS News that he was assigned to lead an investigation into "a high-profile" individual in January 2020. While Shapley did not confirm the identity of that person, CBS News reported that it is Hunter Biden.

From the very beginning of the investigation, Shapley said, there were "deviations" from how IRS criminal investigations normally function.

"There was [sic] multiple steps that were slow-walked at the direction of the Department of Justice," Shapley said.

"When I took control of this particular investigation, I immediately saw deviations from the normal process. It was way outside the norm of what I've experienced in the past," he explained. "These deviations from the normal process, each and every time it seemed to always benefit the subject."

DOJ "slow-walked" tax probe said to involve Hunter Biden, IRS whistleblower sayswww.youtube.com

Shapley said a meeting with Justice Department prosecutors last October was his "red-line meeting." While he did not explain what happened at that meeting, it was then that he decided to blow the whistle, he explained, because he could no longer "silence" his conscience.

Importantly, Shapley said becoming a whistleblower is not something that he wants to do — but he believes it is necessary.

"When I saw the egregiousness of some of these things, it no longer became a choice for me," he told CBS News. "It's not something that I want to do. It's something I feel like I have to do."

True to Shapley's allegations of a "slow-walked" investigation, the Washington Post reportednearly eight months ago that federal prosecutors believe they have accumulated sufficient evidence to charge Hunter Biden.

But those charges have not come — at least not yet.

The delay has reportedly frustrated not only the IRS agents who worked on the case, but FBI agents, too.

According to NBC News, which first reported on the "growing frustration" inside the FBI, prosecutors are considering four charges against Hunter Biden, a mix of felonies and misdemeanors, related to tax and business crimes and for allegedly lying on a federal document required when purchasing a firearm.

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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