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Illegal alien busted for brutal mob attack on NYPD cops then released after ‘sanctuary’ church posted bail is back in jail
Photo by Eduardo MunozAlvarez/VIEWpress via Getty Images

Illegal alien busted for brutal mob attack on NYPD cops then released after ‘sanctuary’ church posted bail is back in jail

The suspect was slapped with additional theft charges.

An illegal alien who was released on bail after being accused of leading a brutal mob attack against two New York Police Department officers earlier this year was arrested again and is back in jail.

Yohenry Brito, a 24-year-old Venezuelan national, was one of seven illegal immigrants accused of punching and kicking two cops in a Jan. 27 caught-on-video attack in Times Square. Brito was soon held on $15,000 cash or $50,000 bond.

'Zero respect for the law.'

But in February, Rev. Juan Ruiz of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Bay Ridge posted Brito's bail, which allowed for his release, Blaze News previously reported.

At the time, Ruiz told the New York Post, "Our church is basically a sanctuary."

"We assume that people are innocent until they are proven otherwise," Ruiz said, adding that his reason for paying Brito's bail was the case's "politically charged context" and that "there is a lot more than what is being publicized."

A few months later, Brito was arrested for petit larceny after trying to steal children’s clothing and “fragrances” from Macy’s store, the Post said.

According to the paper, Judge Laura Ward in Manhattan Criminal Court said on the day of Brito's release that she was “furious” he was arrested once again while out on bail for the cop-beating and cautioned that he was close to being placed behind bars.

“I am very tempted right now to put you in jail. I am telling you right now, if I learn you are rearrested for anything at all between now and this case being finished, I will order a warrant, and I will place bail so high, you will not get out,” she told him, according to the Post.

“If you jaywalk, if you jump a turnstile, if you do anything at all, and I have to issue a warrant, you will not see the light of day until this case is over,” Ward also told Brito, the paper said.

But police sources told the Post that Brito was arrested yet again — this time in connection with two thefts at Manhattan Sephoras, one in July and another Tuesday. Sources told the paper that Brito on Tuesday stole just over $1,350 in merchandise from the second Sephora and fled the scene with an accomplice who was not caught.

Brito was indicted on the new theft charges Monday and is being held on $25,000 cash bond, the Post said, adding that he's also being held on $50,000 cash bond for the Times Square police assault due to his latest arrests.

Patrick Hendry, president of the Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York, stated regarding Brito's latest alleged offense, "As we said from the beginning, the individuals who attacked our Times Square brothers have zero respect for the law and can't be trusted to remain on the street without causing more mayhem. We are glad that he is back behind bars."

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Candace Hathaway

Candace Hathaway

Candace Hathaway is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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