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'House GOP's New Year Resolution Must Be Cutting Spending': House Freedom Caucus sounds alarm about massive national debt
OZAN KOSE/AFP via Getty Images

'House GOP's New Year Resolution Must Be Cutting Spending': House Freedom Caucus sounds alarm about massive national debt

The House Freedom Caucus is sounding the alarm about America's massive national debt, which is nearing $34 trillion, and calling for government spending cuts.

In a press release headlined "House GOP's New Year Resolution Must Be Cutting Spending," the conservative coalition labeled the nation's current situation "a fiscal calamity."

"America is on the path to fiscal ruin. We are rapidly approaching $34 trillion in debt — roughly $100,000 for every American — and our debt to GDP ratio is higher now than it was after World War II. When the 118th Congress concludes a year from now, with continued monthly deficits of $200 billion despite record tax revenues, our national debt will exceed $36 trillion and annual interest to service the debt will reach nearly $1 trillion. To call this 'unsustainable' is an understatement. It is a fiscal calamity," the statement declares.

"As Congress negotiates FY 2024 governement funding, Republicans must truly reduce programmatic spending year-over-year from the enacted FY 2023 level, and end the use of disingenuous gimmicks to conceal from Americans the real spending harm being perpetrated by their elected representatives. Anything less represents more failure and suffering for the American people," the press release declares. "Republicans promised millions of voters that we would fight to change the status quo, and it is long past time to deliver."

GOP Rep. Bob Good of Virginia has been tapped to serve as the next chair of the House Freedom Caucus, a role he will assume in January. He will succeed Republican Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania.

"It is my privilege and honor to serve as the next House Freedom Caucus chairman," Good said, according to a press release from earlier this month. "I thank Rep. Perry for his outstanding leadership of the caucus, and I look forward to building on the work he has done and continuing the fight to reduce government spending, secure our borders, and defend our constitutional freedoms."

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Alex Nitzberg

Alex Nitzberg

Alex Nitzberg is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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