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Another one bites the dust: John Hickenlooper formally ends 2020 presidential bid
Image source: John Hickenlooper/YouTube screenshot

Another one bites the dust: John Hickenlooper formally ends 2020 presidential bid

He says he'll give 'serious thought' to running for Senate

Struggling candidate John Hickenlooper formally ended his bid for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination with a video announcement on social media Thursday.

"In almost every regard, this journey has been more exciting and more rewarding than I ever imagined," the former former Colorado governor said. "Of course, I did imagine a very different conclusion.

"I ran for president because this country is being ripped apart by politics and partisan games while our biggest problems go unsolved," Hickenlooper — who campaigned as a moderate — continued. "Now today, I'm ending my campaign for president, but I will never stop believing that America can only move forward when we work together."

The announcement comes a day after a source close to the campaign told Axios that the former geologist and Colorado governor planned to close up shop on his presidential aims. As of Monday, Hickenlooper's campaign was still short of the individual donor and qualifying poll minimums necessary to get a spot on the third Democratic debate stage. A Hill-HarrisX poll released on Wednesday showed the candidate at 0 percent.

The former governor also said that, while he would no longer campaign for the White House, he would also entertain calls for him to run for Senate against incumbent Republican Sen. Cory Gardner in his home state in the upcoming election cycle.

"I've heard from so many Coloradans who want me to run for the United States Senate; they remind me how much is at stake for our country and our state," Hickenlooper said toward the end of the video announcement. "I intend to give that some serious thought."

Hickenlooper is the latest Democratic presidential hopeful to drop out of the 2020 primary since California Rep. Eric Swalwell ended his campaign early last month. Before that, former West Virginia state Sen. Richard Ojeda ended his longshot Democratic primary bid in late January.

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