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Grandmother whose family was carjacked, shot at is worried gunmen may return to her home to 'retaliate'
Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images

Grandmother whose family was carjacked, shot at is worried gunmen may return to her home to 'retaliate'

'We have to get out of here. It's not safe.'

A grandmother whose family was carjacked and shot at last week is worried that the gunmen who ran from the crime scene may return to her home in Jackson, Mississippi, to "retaliate."

"We have to get out of here. It's not safe. Especially not now, with all the news and stuff because their picture, it's getting out ... and I'm afraid they're going to retaliate," Heather Allen said, according to Fox News.

'I'm not sleeping. My oldest son, his anxiety is through the roof ...'

A doorbell camera caught the terrifying moment when the carjackers in broad daylight fired shots as they walked up to Allen and members of her family as they were saying their goodbyes in her driveway.

"I threw my hands up like, 'Hey, hey, hey,' and he just pulled me down," Allen recounted to WAPT-TV.

The station said Allen and one of her sons were outside the car parked in the driveway at the time of the crime — however, Allen's daughter, two grandchildren, and her oldest son were inside the car.

Video shows one of the suspects opening the driver's side door and pulling a victim in the driver's seat out of the car. That victim is Allen's daughter, WAPT said.

"They kept hollering, 'Give me the keys, give me the keys.' My daughter was like, 'My babies, my babies are in the car,'" Allen recalled to the station.

Allen also told WAPT, "He jumps in the driver's seat, I'm standing on the outside looking in, and he points a gun at my oldest boy's face."

The station said Allen's son was able to get out of the car — and then she grabbed her grandchildren from the back seat. WAPT added that the whole time one of the suspects continued yelling for the keys.

As it turns out, though, the suspects were unable to figure out how to get the car to move, the station said.

With that, WAPT said Allen threw on the ground the keys to her own car, which was parked on the lawn. The station said the suspects then gave up on the car parked in the driveway and took off in Allen's car.

Allen added in her Thursday "Fox & Friends First" interview that "it dawned on me, I had my keys around my neck, so I took them off and threw them to [the carjackers] to get them out of my yard."

'It was very concerning to me because a threat to them and their family is a threat to everyone.'

"I'm not sleeping. My oldest son, his anxiety is through the roof. ... My daughter, she has shock, but they're safe. They are in Batesville right now," Allen noted to WAPT.

The family indicated that they've lived in the area for about three months — but now they want to move out of Jackson, the station reported.

"We can't stay here any more," Allen added to WAPT.

What happened next?

Jackson police found Allen's car about two blocks away from the crime scene — and only 40 minutes after the incident, the station said.

"The cop said that the car looks good, but it's in the impound lot," Allen explained to WAPT. "I can't get it until they investigate it for fingerprints."

Allen noted during her "Fox & Friends First" interview that she finally got her car back after going "back and forth" multiple times between impound car lots and the local crime lab.

"I had an opportunity to look at the video of Ms. Allen and her family being robbed and carjacked in their driveway," Police Chief Joseph Wade told WAPT. "It was extremely disturbing to me. It was very concerning to me because a threat to them and their family is a threat to everyone."

Wade added to the station that investigators have identified two persons of interest, but they are not in custody.

WAPT said those with information can call Crime Stoppers at 601-355-TIPS.

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Dave Urbanski

Dave Urbanski

Sr. Editor, News

Dave Urbanski is a senior editor for Blaze News.
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