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Frequent target of Antifa violence has car ransacked while reporting on Andy Ngo trial where attorney declared 'I am Antifa'
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Frequent target of Antifa violence has car ransacked while reporting on Andy Ngo trial where attorney declared 'I am Antifa'

Katie Daviscourt of the Post Millennial has been covering fellow journalist Andy Ngo's trial against Antifa, which came to a troubling conclusion this week.

After the time the radical leftists accused of assault, battery, and intentional infliction of emotional distress discovered they would not be held liable by an Oregon jury — which had raised concerns about being doxxed — Daviscourt discovered her car had been ransacked and picked clean.

What's the background?

Ngo, demonized by Rolling Stone and other leftist blogs, has been allegedly attacked by black-bloc militants on numerous occasions, perhaps most viciously on June 29, 2019, in Portland, Oregon.

The journalist tweeted after one the initial beatings he suffered that day, "Attacked by antifa. Bleeding. They stole my camera equipment. No police until after. waiting for ambulance. If you have evidence of attack please help."

Police allegedly refused to intervene or arrest anyone despite extensive video evidence.

One of the unprovoked attacks was caught on video by reporter Jim Ryan.

In the wake of the attack, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) called for an investigation and House Leader Kevin McCarthy (R) stressed, "The hate and violence perpetrated by Antifa must be condemned in the strongest possible way by all Americans."

Even liberals conceded the attacks were egregious, with CNN's Jake Tapper observing on Twitter, "Antifa regularly attacks journalists; it's reprehensible."

Ngo filed an action in Portland against Rose City Antifa and alleged Antifa members Benjamin Bolen, John Hacker, Corbyn Belyea, Joseph Evans, Madison Allen, and others, claiming assault and other injuries, seeking at least $900,000 in damages, for the June 29, 2019, assault as well as for other attacks.

Hot Air reported that Rose City Antifa was dropped from the action by a judge on July 14 "on the grounds that an unassociated entity cannot be sued." Three other individuals were found "in default." Ngo reached a settlement with Bolen.

The remaining defendants, John Hacker and Elizabeth Richter — whose attorney reportedly indicated that she "does not like Ngo" and has admitted to making violent threats toward the journalist — were still fair game.

The trial for the alleged Antifa "doxxers" began July 31.

Daviscourt, a troubled courtroom, and an Antifa attorney

Katie Daviscourt is a Seattle-based reporter who previously covered the farmer rebellion in the Netherlands for Rebel News and got her start reporting on the ruinous 2020 BLM riots.

Like Ngo, Daviscourt, now with the Post Millennial, has reportedly been subjected to abuse and harassment by alleged members of Antifa on multiple occasions, including during the trial.

For instance while covering a leftist demonstration on May 1, 2022, in Seattle, she was assaulted on camera by a leftist militant.

Last December, she was allegedly swarmed and robbed by Antifa thugs.

Daviscourt covered the Ngo-Antifa trial until the jury reached its verdict Tuesday.

The Oregonian reported that the Multnomah County jury of six men and six women cleared Hacker and Richter of all civil liability after nearly five hours of deliberation.

Daviscourt noted that the judge presiding over the case, Chanpone Sinlapasai of the 4th Judicial District Circuit Court of Oregon, "informed the court that the trial's jurors have raised concerns about being 'doxed,' and claimed that people have been trying to find out their realities."

Possibly compounding these fears, Michelle Burrows, defense lawyer for the radical leftist defendants, told the jurors she "will remember each one of their faces" and declared, "I am Antifa."

Burrows had also made a point during the trial of making clear, "Resistance in this country has never been peaceful."

Following the jury's verdict, Daviscourt reportedly made her way to her car to find that it had been ransacked.

Another apparent target for the left

Daviscourt noted on Twitter that she found her car by her hotel with its windows "busted out, items were stolen, and personal identification documents were taken—I’m obviously upset."

Her publication intimated that the theft of identifying documents is of great concern, especially since the defendants had taken such a special interest in her reportage.

Richter allegedly labeled Daviscourt a "fascist" and expressed disapproval of her coverage of the trial.

One of Richter's comrades allegedly joined the defendant in urging Daviscourt inside an elevator at the courthouse after castigating her.

Turning Point USA CEO Charlie Kirk indicated that Daviscourt, threatened earlier in the day, had fled the area to safety upon finding her car smashed up.

The Post Millennial said in a statement, "Looks like the work of Antifa. Her crime? Journalism. @KatieDaviscourt is brave and we need more brave souls like her."

Savanah Hernandez of TPUSA wrote to Daviscourt, "Katie, you're braver than most. Good job reporting on these domestic terrorists. Your journalism is heroic."

Daviscourt's former boss, Rebel News publisher Ezra Levant, tweeted, "Katie is covering Andy Ngo's trial and she has covered Antifa for years -- this is their vengeance on her. I sat in the courtroom for one day and it resembled nothing so much as a mafia trial -- with Antifa thugs menacing the jurors from the public gallery. They're terrorists."

TheBlaze reached out to Daviscourt for comment, but had yet to receive a response at the time of publication.

As for the trial's result, Harmeet K. Dhillon, founder of the Center for American Liberty — the nonprofit that represented Ngo in the case — said in a statement, "We are evaluating the next steps in this case, but hear this: I will not stand by idly while violent criminals seek to silence American journalists, and this is but one stop in a long journey. Thank you to all the people who contributed to Andy's legal fund, and who made this case possible up to this point."

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Joseph MacKinnon

Joseph MacKinnon

Joseph MacKinnon is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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