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Frank Luntz visibly squirms as he is forced to admit Trump is the favorite to win 2024 election: 'The guy's a survivor'
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Frank Luntz visibly squirms as he is forced to admit Trump is the favorite to win 2024 election: 'The guy's a survivor'

Pollster Frank Luntz declared last year that Donald Trump "could never win" the 2024 presidential election. Now, Luntz says he would bet six figures that Trump does win.

Speaking on a New York Times podcast, Luntz said last May:

If Donald Trump runs for president, as a Republican, he’s the odds-on favorite to win the nomination. He could never win a general election. But I can’t imagine losing a Republican primary. That’s how significant he is within the GOP. ... I would bet on him to be the nominee. And I would bet on him losing to whatever Democratic nominee there was.

But the Republican pollster now believes Trump is the odds-on favorite to win the 2024 election.

In a video posted to social media last week, Luntz is asked, "If you had to bet $150,000 on who's gonna win in November, who would you bet on?"

Clearly uncomfortable with what he was about to say, Luntz squirmed as he admitted that he would bet the large sum of money on Trump to defeat President Joe Biden in a re-match.

"I never dreamed that I would say this, but I would bet on Trump," Luntz admitted

"Never — I thought it was done. I thought it was over. You don't come back from an impeachment. You don't come back from Jan. 6. You don't come back from any of this, but he's come back," he explained. "The guy's a survivor, and his opponent is having so much trouble that I would, at this point, give the edge to Trump."

The admission is significant, not only because it demonstrates a complete departure from what Luntz said just eight months ago, but because it came from someone who has not hidden his disdain for Trump.

But Luntz has also maintained that he will not shy away from reporting the truth.

"I’m going to make a lot of people mad this year with my observations. But @FrankLuntz will be the place to check if you want the truth," Luntz said in response to the video of his prediction going viral.

Indeed, there is no way an honest pollster can deny what the polls have shown for months: Trump is surging, and Biden is a deeply unpopular incumbent who will have a difficult time repeating a victory.

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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