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Elon Musk's xAI will launch its first artificial intelligence model Saturday
Photographer: Tolga Akmen/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Elon Musk's xAI will launch its first artificial intelligence model Saturday

Elon Musk announced that his company, xAI, will launch its first artificial intelligence model on Saturday.

"Tomorrow, @xAI will release its first AI to a select group," Musk wrote on X Friday. "In some important respects, it is the best that currently exists."

Musk announced the creation of his artificial intelligence startup company in July, stating that it aimed to "understand reality." The company was incorporated in Nevada in March.

xAI is expected to compete with AI chatbot technology released by OpenAI, Google, and Amazon. Musk previously slammed existing chatbots for being "politically correct." He noted that he aims to develop another option for users.

In April, Musk told Tucker Carlson that he plans to start a chatbot called "TruthGPT," which would be a "maximum truth-seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe."

"This might be the best path to safety, in that an AI that cares about understanding the universe is unlikely to annihilate humans, because we are an interesting part of the universe," he added.

Greg Yang, xAI's co-founder, stated in July, "The mathematics of deep learning is profound, beautiful, and unreasonably effective. Developing the "theory of everything" for large neural networks will be central to taking AI to the next level. Conversely, this AI will enable everyone to understand our mathematical universe in ways unimaginable before."

The new startup, led by Musk, recruited a number of industry experts, including professionals who previously worked at DeepMind, OpenAI, Google Research, and Microsoft Research.

In August, xAI announced that it was "hiring creators, teachers, and curators to help improve out models."

Musk spoke with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Thursday evening at the AI Safety Summit in the United Kingdom. During the discussion, Musk warned that AI technology could become the "most disruptive force in history."

"We will have something that is, for the first time smarter than the smartest human," he said.

According to Musk, AI will eventually replace every job.

"It's hard to say exactly what that moment is, but there will come a point where no job is needed," he continued. "You can have a job if you wanted to have a job for personal satisfaction. But the AI would be able to do everything."

"One of the challenges in the future will be how do we find meaning in life," Musk added.

AI will bring about a "universal high income," he claimed. "There will be no shortage of goods and services. We'll be in an age of abundance."

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Candace Hathaway

Candace Hathaway

Candace Hathaway is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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