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'There was blood all over': Elderly man brutally murdered over stolen Taco Bell taco, Michigan police say
Image Source: WJBK-TV YouTube video screenshot

'There was blood all over': Elderly man brutally murdered over stolen Taco Bell taco, Michigan police say

An elderly man was killed by another man over a stolen taco from Taco Bell, according to police in Michigan.

The two men were living at a boarding house on Waldorf Street in Roseville when they got into a lethal altercation Wednesday night.

54-year-old Mark Newsome allegedly accused 72-year-old Dale Mitchell of stealing his taco before beating him to death. When police arrived, they found Mitchell injured on the floor, and Newsome was taken into custody without incident.

Investigators said that Newsome struck Mitchell several times so violently that he died from the injuries.

Roommates in the same home spoke to WJBK-TV and described what they heard and saw in the home.

"Oh, God, it scared the hell out of me, it really did," said Bob McQuade.

"There was blood all over upstairs," said Larry Melton.

They said they were trying to sleep when they heard commotion and voices.

"I could never believe he would’ve done something like that"

"To think a fight over food would escalate into murder," McQuade added. "It’s inconceivable."

""Why are you doing this?'" Melton continued. "'Why are you doing this? Leave me alone. Quit, please quit.' that’s what I heard."

Police Chief Mitchell Berlin said no weapons were involved.

Macomb County Prosecutor Pete Lucido released a statement about the incident.

"If we've come to grips with life about fighting and killing somebody over a taco or food itself, there’s gotta be more to life than that," Lucido said. "It would have been a lot easier to walk away."

Newsome was charged with second-degree murder and booked into the Macomb County Jail.

"It’s just senseless," McQuade added. "I trusted Mark as my friend. I could never believe he would’ve done something like that."

Here's a news report about the incident:

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.