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Democrats are reportedly spiraling into a 'full-blown freakout' over Biden's re-election prospects: 'Need to wake up'
MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

Democrats are reportedly spiraling into a 'full-blown freakout' over Biden's re-election prospects: 'Need to wake up'

President Biden has consistently trailed Donald Trump in the polls.

Some Democrats are reportedly freaking out over the state of President Joe Biden's re-election campaign.

For almost the entirety of the 2024 campaign, Biden has trailed Donald Trump in national polling. Not only is Biden losing to Trump, but the Democratic Party's coalition of voters is splintering, the polls show, as Trump and Republicans make inroads with black voters, Hispanic voters, and younger voters.

'The greatest political challenge confronting the president starts with an 'I,' but it's not Israel — it's inflation.'

Biden's consistently bad polling is setting off alarm bells for Democrats — and a "full-blown freakout," according to Politico.

In fact, one prominent adviser to Democratic donors shared with Politico the list he gives donors with the reasons why Biden could lose re-election, which includes "nearly two dozen" reasons, Politico reported, including Biden's age, the economy, inflation, the border crisis and immigration, and Vice President Kamala Harris' deep unpopularity.

"The list of why we 'could' win is so small I don't even need to keep the list on my phone," the adviser said.

The problem for Biden, another Democratic strategist explained, is that Americans remember their lives were better when Trump was president.

"If the frame of this race is, 'What was better, the 3.5 years under Biden or four years under Trump,' we lose that every day of the week and twice on Sunday," Democratic strategist Pete Giangreco told Politico.

While the Biden campaign ignores polls and the obvious uphill battle the campaign faces, Democrats, according to Politico, are experiencing "a pervasive sense of fear" in which "anxiety has morphed into palpable trepidation."

"This isn't, 'Oh my God, Mitt Romney might become president.' It's 'Oh my God, the democracy might end,'" one Democratic operative said.

It's clear, meanwhile, that Republicans smell blood in the water.

Last week, Trump held a campaign rally in the Bronx, a typical Democratic stronghold. But polls even show that Biden's lead in New York is shrinking despite winning the state by more than 20 points in the 2020 election.

"New York Democrats need to wake up. The number of people in New York, including people of color that I come across who are saying positive things about Trump, is alarming," Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine told Politico.

If you asked James Carville why Democrats stand to lose this election, he would say that his party is focused on the wrong issues.

"We keep wondering why these young people aren't coming home to the Democrats: Why are blacks not coming home to the Democrats? Because Democratic messaging is full of s***, that's why," Carville said over the weekend.

"Talk about cost of living and 'We're gonna help deal with this,'" he advised. "Don't talk about f***ing Gaza and student loans. That's so out."

Rep. Richie Torres (D-N.Y.) couldn't agree more.

"The greatest political challenge confronting the president starts with an 'I,' but it's not Israel — it's inflation," Torres admitted to Politico. "The cost of living is a challenge that we have to figure out how to manage."

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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