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'Very f***ing worried': Democrats are panicking over fears that Trump could beat Biden in 2024
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

'Very f***ing worried': Democrats are panicking over fears that Trump could beat Biden in 2024

Democratic strategists are entering full-blown panic mode over fears that President Joe Biden is politically vulnerable ahead of next year's presidential election.

On Sunday, a new ABC News/Washington Post survey showed two important figures. First, it showed that Donald Trump would beat Biden in a hypothetical matchup by a significant margin. Second, it showed that not even a majority of Democratic voters want Biden to be their party's nominee again, especially as they question his mental and physical acuity.

That poll, and others like it, have instilled fear in Democrats that not only does Biden stand to lose re-election — but Trump could beat him this time.

"Be very f***ing worried," one Democratic strategist told The Hill, speaking of how his party should feel about Biden.

Another strategist explained that he feels Democratic operatives are living with cognitive dissonance, such that they misunderstand the Trump phenomenon, why he remains popular, and what that means for the Biden campaign.

"There is a concern from a lot of people like me, for sure," that strategist said. "There's a disconnect between the consultant class of our party and the voters. They think they can just run a bunch of ads talking about how crazy Donald Trump is [and] that will be enough. That's just not the case."

The New York Times also reported on Wednesday that Democrats fear Biden and his campaign — now two weeks old, but with only a "skeletal operation" so far — do not rightly understand the task before them.

From the Times:

Democratic allies worry, some in public and more in private, that Mr. Biden and his political team — whose successes have come chiefly by running against Donald J. Trump rather than through organic liberal enthusiasm — are not displaying the necessary urgency for the coming battle.

Gone unsaid is the problem that Democratic strategists believe Vice President Kamala Harris presents to the re-election campaign. She is unpopular just like Biden, and is seen as having achieved few, if any, accomplishments in office.

The only antidote, some have suggested, to ensure Biden stands a chance at winning again is to replace Harris with a more moderate Democrat who can woo support from moderate voters.

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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