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Mayor Bill de Blasio says Gov. Cuomo should resign if harassment allegations are confirmed
Photo (right): SETH WENIG/POOL/AFP via Getty Images; Photo (left): Angus Mordant/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Mayor Bill de Blasio says Gov. Cuomo should resign if harassment allegations are confirmed

'These are disqualifying realities'

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio excoriated New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo over various scandals afflicting his office and opined that he should resign if any were found to be true.

De Blasio made the comments to Jake Tapper on his CNN show Monday.

"We have to, we have to believe women who come forward, and fully investigate, and you know the governor issued a total non-apology earlier, and in effect treated sexual harassment as some kind of laughing matter, it's not a laughing matter, it's not a joke, it's very very serious stuff," said de Blasio.

Cuomo has been accused by a former aide of sexually harassing her in several instances. He has denied the allegation but was hit with another accusation by a second woman on Sunday who said he acted inappropriately with her as well. Also on Sunday de Blasio called for an independent investigation into the allegations against the governor.

De Blasio described the accusations as "grotesque" in his interview with Tapper.

"Think about how grotesque that is," said de Blasio. "I don't know anyone who would do that. This is not acceptable, it wasn't acceptable ever, it's especially not acceptable in 2021 in the United States of America. So it cannot be laughed off, it cannot be minimized."

He went on to hammer away at Cuomo over the unanswered questions about the thousands of deaths after the governor's order to send coronavirus patients to nursing homes for medical care.

'Disqualifying realities'

Tapper asked if Cuomo should resign if any of the scandals are confirmed against Cuomo.

"I don't see how anyone can function as a governor and have the trust of the people and the respect of the people, if they purposely covered up the deaths of thousands of our seniors, our elders, family members, beloved family members who are gone," de Blasio responded.

"If you cover that up or if you did things for reasons that had to do with politics or contributions, and if you've sexually harassed young women in your employment, these are disqualifying realities. How can anyone look the people in the face after that?" he asked.

"If these allegations or charges are proven, there's just no way he can govern," de Blasio concluded.

Here's the video of de Blasio's interview:

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.