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DA Bragg offers plea deals to illegal aliens charged in vicious mob attack on NYPD cops
Image Source: New York Post screenshot

DA Bragg offers plea deals to illegal aliens charged in vicious mob attack on NYPD cops

One suspect charged with another crime while out on bail.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office offered plea deals to six illegal aliens who were charged in connection with the vicious mob attack on two New York Police Department officers in Times Square in January, the New York Post reported.

One of the suspects, 24-year-old Yohenry Brito, was arrested again last week after he was released from jail by an activist Brooklyn priest who posted his $15,000 bail in February. Brito was most recently charged with petit larceny and criminal possession of stolen property after he allegedly attempted to steal children’s clothing and fragrances from Macy’s.

Bragg’s office requested a $10,000 cash bail, but a Manhattan judge opted to let Brito walk free after his Saturday arraignment.

'I will order a warrant and I will place bail so high, you will not get out.'

Ulises Bohorquez, 21, and Andres Gomez-Izquiel, 19, were also charged in connection with the brutal January attack on police officers. The two males, along with Brito, were offered a plea deal by Bragg’s office to serve one year in jail for second-degree assault.

Kelvin Servita Arocha, 19, and Wilson Juarez, 21, were offered six months in jail for obstructing a government administration.

Bragg’s office offered Yorman Reveron, 24, two years in jail if he pleaded guilty to second-degree assault. At the time of the attack, Reveron already had two open cases for assault and robbery.

A plea offer has yet to be made to Edgarlis Vegas, 20, the Post reported.

None of the suspects have accepted the plea deals yet.

Judge Laura Wood told Brito on Tuesday, “I am furious that Mr. Brito was rearrested and charged with petty larceny while he was out on this case.”

“I am very tempted right now to put you in jail. I am telling you right now, if I learn you are rearrested for anything at all between now and this case being finished, I will order a warrant and I will place bail so high, you will not get out,” Wood continued. “If you jaywalk, if you jump a turnstile, if you do anything at all and I have to issue a warrant, you will not see the light of day until this case is over.”

Surveillance footage from the January attack showed the mob of illegal immigrants kicking and punching two officers in the head and body while they were attempting to detain one of the suspects. The group of males fled the scene on foot.

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Candace Hathaway

Candace Hathaway

Candace Hathaway is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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