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Courtroom gasps after illegal alien apparently admits he filmed himself raping 13-year-old in NYC park
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Courtroom gasps after illegal alien apparently admits he filmed himself raping 13-year-old in NYC park

'I was nervous at first, then got comfortable and recorded it.'

People gathered in a New York City courtroom audibly gasped while listening to prosecutors read a transcript that apparently showed a suspect admit to police that he filmed himself raping a 13-year-old girl, the New York Post has reported.

Last Thursday afternoon, Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, a 25-year-old Ecuadorian national who entered the U.S. illegally in June 2021, reportedly came upon two 13-year-olds, a girl and a boy, hanging out together at Kissena Park in Queens. Inga-Landi then allegedly drew a "large machete-style knife" and forced the teens to a remote, wooded area of the park, where he allegedly bound the victims together and raped the young girl, as Blaze News previously reported.

At the scene, police recovered a water bottle with DNA that matched a DNA sample Inga-Landi gave for his immigration case in 2021.

Five days later, Inga-Landi was apprehended in a citizens' arrest and then handed over to police. Not only did Inga-Landi match images of the suspect shared by law enforcement, but he also has braces and a boar tattoo across his chest, as the victims had described.

Inga-Landi has now been charged with 11 total counts, the vast majority of which are felonies. His charges include rape, predatory sexual assault, robbery, and kidnapping.

On Wednesday, he appeared in court for arraignment, his face still marked with scratches. Prosecutors did not have to do much to convince Judge Joanne Watters to deny him bail.

All they had to do was read the transcript of a video of Inga-Landi speaking with investigators. The details of the transcript included in the Post's report are bone-chilling.

During their conversation, Inga-Landi not only admitted to police that he committed the crime, but he also bragged that he filmed it, the transcript showed. "I was nervous at first, then got comfortable and recorded it," he apparently said on video, an admission that prompted "sighs from the audience," according to the Post.

He also apparently offered cops other details of the incident from his perspective. For instance, he alleged that he caught the victims having "sexual relations." He also claimed that, before the assault, he stuffed a banana in the girl's mouth, ostensibly to keep her quiet.

"I went to buy drugs, afterwards," Inga-Landi added, according to the transcript read by prosecutors.

At the scene, police recovered a water bottle with DNA that matched a DNA sample Inga-Landi gave for his immigration case in 2021. The following year, a judge ruled that he had made unlawful entry into the U.S. and ordered him to leave. Whether he ever followed that directive is unclear.

Between his history of breaking border laws and the current accusations of a vicious kidnapping and sexual assault, Assistant District Attorney Kasey Esposito requested that Judge Watters deny Inga-Landi bail. "The brazen and brutal nature of this defendant’s actions are indicative of someone who does not follow the law, and who has no regard for anybody else, but himself, and he will not return to court," Esposito argued.

Judge Watters quickly agreed, though Lisa Saltzman, Inga-Landi's public defender, did not make a request for bail during the hearing. Instead, she asked that Inga-Landi receive medical attention, which Watters granted.

Inga-Landi is scheduled to appear in court again on July 1. An investigation into the alleged film of the rape remains ongoing.

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Cortney Weil

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