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DeSantis and other conservatives react to Trump guilty verdict: 'Political debasement of the justice system'
Justin Lane-Pool/Getty Images

DeSantis and other conservatives react to Trump guilty verdict: 'Political debasement of the justice system'

'Red states need to respond by declaring themselves sanctuaries from blue state prosecutions,' Daniel Horowitz tweeted.

A jury found former President Donald Trump guilty on all counts in a New York criminal trial, with the verdict coming in the midst of the 2024 presidential election cycle in which Trump, the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee, is running to defeat Democratic President Joe Biden.

Conservatives have been sounding off on social media in response to the verdict.

"Red states need to respond by declaring themselves sanctuaries from blue state prosecutions. That if the state AG determines the charges are politically motivated, the state troopers would be prohibited from facilitating extradition," Blaze Media's Daniel Horowitz tweeted.

'I can't imagine a bigger, more impactful contribution to the Biden campaign.'

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who dropped out of the GOP presidential primary and endorsed Trump after placing second in the Iowa caucuses in January, spoke of "political debasement of the justice system."

"Today’s verdict represents the culmination of a legal process that has been bent to the political will of the actors involved: a leftist prosecutor, a partisan judge and a jury reflective of one of the most liberal enclaves in America—all in an effort to 'get' Donald Trump," he declared in a post on X.

"That this case—involving alleged misdemeanor business records violations from nearly a decade ago—was even brought is a testament to the political debasement of the justice system in places like New York City. This is especially true considering this same district attorney routinely excuses criminal conduct in a way that has endangered law-abiding citizens in his jurisdiction," DeSantis noted. "In America, the rule of law should be applied in a dispassionate, even-handed manner, not become captive to the political agenda of some kangaroo court."

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia shared an upside down American flag in a post on X.

"Guilty on 34 counts, but no underlying crime. Partisan hacks serving as judges, investigators, and prosecutors have turned our legal system into a farce at both the state and federal level," GOP Sen. Thomas Massie of Kentucky tweeted.

"How long can our Republic survive once partisans have taken over the judicial process? This verdict will tragically undermine Americans' confidence in impartial justice. A sad day for America…" Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said in a post.

"I can't imagine a bigger, more impactful contribution to the Biden campaign," GOP Sen. Mike Lee of Utah tweeted. "Will the Biden campaign need to disclose the efforts of the New York prosecutors as an in-kind campaign contribution? If not, our campaign-finance laws seem somewhat pointless at this point."

"This was a purely political exercise, not a legal one," House Speaker Mike Johnson said in a statement. "The American people see this as lawfare, and they know it is wrong—and dangerous. President Trump will rightfully appeal this absurd verdict—and he WILL WIN!"

"They dismembered kids and murdered them. Now they are mutilating them. They opened our borders. They destroyed the middle class dream and replaced it with both spouses have to work until July 1 just to pay their tax debt, and then their kids have to get a bunch of college debt to learn unmarketable doctrines of demons. They mandated you ingest a toxic genetic serum to work. I could go on and on," Blaze Media's Steve Deace tweeted. "No, folks, we didn’t cross any Rubicons today. Rather, today is just another confirmation the Rubicon was long ago crossed. The hay is already out of the barn you’re trying to lock. We are way down the rabbit hole, Alice. Revival or bust."

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Alex Nitzberg

Alex Nitzberg

Alex Nitzberg is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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