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Conservative candidate drops out of election over criticism of Pride parades and the 'LGBTQIA+LMNOPQRSTUV community'

Conservative candidate drops out of election over criticism of Pride parades and the 'LGBTQIA+LMNOPQRSTUV community'

The quoted statements from the candidate were less than two years old.

A conservative candidate in a very progressive area decided to drop out of the race after it was revealed that he criticized pride parades and shared critical posts just two years prior.

Damon Scrase, a now former candidate for the Conservative Party of British Columbia in Canada, has had his name erased from the party website after he appeared to voluntarily drop out of the race in Courtenay-Comox, British Columbia.

The recently established electoral district has seen just two provincial elections, both won by representatives of Canada's furthest left-wing party, the NDP.

An uphill battle wasn't the reason Scrase rescinded his candidacy, however; rather, it was a radio host sharing his X (then Twitter) posts that sparked the change of heart.

CKNW radio host Jas Johal took issues with at least four instances where Scrase was critical of pride parades. The first post showed Scrase criticize public indecency.

"Degenerates were given tacit license to break public indecency laws at these parades. It has been invalidating the 'love is love' movement for over a decade," Scrase wrote in June 2022. "Post modernity and it's [sic] decadent beliefs, exacerbated by social media, is a mental illness factory."

The second post in question, from July 2022, said, "Here's the thing with 'pride,' it was supposed to be about love and THAT is why it went mainstream. Since 2012 it has become a celebration of fringe sexuality where phall-themed food is sold on every corner and perverts expose themselves to children for kicks. It won't last."

'I will be stepping down as the candidate ... it has been quite the education.'

Another post, barely a year old, had Scrase pointing to "bad actors" in the "LGBTQIA+LMNOPQRSTUV community."

The radio host also took issue with Scrase sharing a post that showed nearly naked men wearing dog masks while interacting with a small girl.

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension," the original post read.

Johal appeared to summarize this as a broad statement against "LGBTQ people."

The former conservative candidate issued a statement withdrawing himself from future races with the Conservative Party and stated that he has been through "quite the education."

"I’m a blue-collar guy who never aspired to be a public figure, and certainly not a politician," Scrase wrote on X.

"Like many of us I have made posts on social media years ago that make me wince, which don't reflect what I think or who I am today. I recognized this and deleted them," Scrase said of the less than two-year-old statements.

"I do not want my old, unfortunate comments to distract from the important work currently being done to fix our incredible province. As a result, I have informed the Conservative Party of BC that, effective immediately, I will be stepping down as the candidate for Courtenay-Comox. My most sincere possible thank you to everyone who supported me on this journey, it has been quite the education. I leave with high hopes, in good spirit, with deep humility, and gratefulness in my heart," he added.

'Any candidate that would cower to the woke mob ... has no place running for any elected office.'

At the time of this writing, neither the provincial nor federal conservative parties have made public statements regarding Scrase bowing out. The Conservative Party of British Columbia did not immediately respond to an inquiry from Blaze News. This article will be updated with any applicable responses.

Kingsley Wilson, who originally shared the photo of the dog-identifying men, told Blaze News she was disappointed in Canadian "conservatives" embracing cancel culture.

"It's a disgrace," she said.

"Any candidate that would cower to the woke mob and put the feelings of groomers and sexual deviants before the interests of their countrymen has no place running for any elected office," the digital media strategist added.

Western Canadian journalist Mocha Bezirgan explained that while it is reasonable for political figures to critique or distance themselves from certain aspects of pride parades, "biting their tongues on acts widely seen as morally reprehensible" can have the opposite effect.

"Forcing a candidate to resign over old tweets shows a party's willingness to alienate one voter group over another. This decision signals prioritizing appeasement of those unlikely to support them anyway, over upholding the moral standards of their core base," Bezirgan continued.

"B.C. Conservatives have made a choice, and time will tell the consequences of following such a political philosophy," he added.

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Andrew Chapados

Andrew Chapados

Andrew Chapados is a writer focusing on sports, culture, entertainment, gaming, and U.S. politics. The podcaster and former radio-broadcaster also served in the Canadian Armed Forces, which he confirms actually does exist.
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