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Comer to hold Wray in contempt of Congress after glimpsing FBI record detailing alleged Biden bribery scheme
Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Comer to hold Wray in contempt of Congress after glimpsing FBI record detailing alleged Biden bribery scheme

Congressional investigators had an opportunity Monday to view a document detailing alleged criminal activity involving President Joe Biden.

While House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) and ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) glimpsed the document the FBI has worked hard to keep under wraps, that was not enough to satisfy the bureau's obligation to Congress.

For the bureau's continued refusal to comply with a congressional subpoena, Comer indicated Monday afternoon he would initiate contempt of Congress hearings against FBI Director Christopher Wray, starting Thursday.

The unclassified document flashed to Comer and Raskin Monday, which the FBI has worked ardently to keep out of lawmakers' hands, is an FBI-generated FD-1023 form that reportedly contains "valuable, verifiable information" describing an alleged $5 million "criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions."

The House Oversight Committee has been looking to get its hands on the document since early May, when congressional Republicans subpoenaed the FBI to that effect. The FBI has, however, repeatedly refused to turn over the document.

After missing another deadline last week, the FBI finally brought the document to Capitol Hill, not to turn over as legally required, but to privately show to Comer and Raskin in an SCIF, a secured environment for viewing sensitive information.

What Comer saw was apparently as telling as the FBI's desperation to hide it.

"Today, FBI officials confirmed that the unclassified FBI-generated record has not been disproven and is currently being used in an ongoing investigation," Comer said Monday, noting the investigation is likely being undertaken in Biden's home state of Delaware.

"The confidential human source who provided information about then-Vice President Biden being involved in a criminal bribery scheme is a trusted, highly-credible informant who has been used by the FBI for over 10 years and has been paid over six figures," continued Comer. "These are facts and no amount of spin, and frankly lies, from the White House or congressional Democrats can change this information," added Comer.

Comer noted that at the briefing Monday, "the FBI again refused to hand over the unclassified record to the custody of the House Oversight Committee."
"Given the severity and complexity of the allegations contained within this record, Congress must investigate further. Americans have lost trust in the FBI's ability to enforce the law impartially and demand answers, transparency, and accountability," added the Kentucky congressman.

TheBlaze previously reported that some lawmakers and legal experts have suggested that Wray should not just be charged with contempt but impeached.

Mike Davis, founder of the Article III Project and former chief counsel for nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, said Wray should be impeached for refusing to produce to Congress a document evidencing the FBI covered up then-Vice President Joe Biden taking a foreign bribe and changing American policy."

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) appeared to agree with Davis, tweeting, "Chris Wray’s refusal to comply with a subpoena for FD-1023 is an affront to the checks and balances of our government. Wray should be impeached," adding, "FBI Director Wray’s continuous attempts to protect Joe Biden and his entire criminal family to further our country’s two-tiered justice system must come to an end."

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Joseph MacKinnon

Joseph MacKinnon

Joseph MacKinnon is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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