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CNN's White House correspondent gets hammered over column claiming Biden is powerless to help Americans
Photo (left): William B. Plowman/NBC/NBC Newswire/NBCUniversal via Getty Images; Photo (right): Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

CNN's White House correspondent gets hammered over column claiming Biden is powerless to help Americans

CNN White House correspondent John Harwood was absolutely hammered on social media over a column he penned claiming President Joe Biden was powerless to help Americans.

Harwood argued that many of the circumstances leading to plummeting polling for Biden and the Democrats ahead of the midterms are unrelated to his policy positions, or that there was nothing he could do to alleviate them.

"... there’s not much Biden can do about the heaviest weights depressing his political standing, which has remained stuck in the avalanche-warning zone for months. So his party faces the likelihood of a substantial November election defeat that hands the House and perhaps the Senate to the GOP," he wrote.

Harwood also admitted that Biden's massive deficit spending made inflation worse, but added, "he can't fix that now."

Many on social media did not think much of Harwood's argument and they lambasted him for it.

"CNNs white house correspondent wrote a column stating as fact that President Biden can't do anything about crime, inflation, or the border -- all areas the admin has tons of power. Isn't this a big part of why media is losing trust, obvious bias?" tweeted reporter Zaid Jilani.

"Biden apparently can't do anything at all about inflation or other pressing problems, but magically, politicians have been led to believe that they have the power to control a highly contagious respiratory virus through government mandates," read another popular response.

"Maybe he shouldn't have spent a year telling everyone he would fix everything if he knew he couldn't," read another response.

"Seriously, was Harwood always a hack? Cause I don't recall him always being like this," read another reply.

"I've never written love notes this tawdry to my *wife*," joked Caleb Howe.

Others pointed out that Harwood had been one of the presidential debate moderators and that the biased column gave evidence to supported the contention that the presidential debate commission was biased against Republicans.

Here's more about poor polling for Democrats:

New poll reveals Biden's approval ratingwww.youtube.com

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.