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Catholic school parents profane Virgin Mary statue with LGBTQ ribbons after priest refuses to re-sign gay teacher: Report
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Catholic school parents profane Virgin Mary statue with LGBTQ ribbons after priest refuses to re-sign gay teacher: Report

Activist group reportedly claimed ribbons were 'honoring the Blessed Mary.'

Parents who send their children to a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Seattle reportedly profaned a statue of the Virgin Mary by adorning it with LGBTQ-themed ribbons and other paraphernalia in response to a pastor's decision not to renew the contract of a teacher openly living a lesbian lifestyle in contravention to church teaching.

Earlier this month, parents with children attending St. Luke School in Shoreline, Washington, learned that kindergarten teacher Karen Pala would not be returning to the school in the fall. Pala wrote in a parent letter that Father Brad Hagelin, the pastor of the church and school, declined to renew her contract because he "does not approve of" her forthcoming "marriage" to a woman.

'Actions speak louder than words, and a teacher ideally not only teaches the faith, but also is seen as fully living it by their students.'

In response, some parents and others started a group called L.U.K.E., which "advocate[s] for Love, Unity, Kindness, and Equality," according to its website, and seeks "the immediate renewal of our beloved teacher’s ministerial covenant for the 2024-2025 school year."

Though the website further claims group members "do not endorse active protests or rallies at mass or school," it seems that some parents did not follow those guidelines. According to an exclusive report from the Post Millennial, L.U.K.E. group members interrupted mass on Wednesday morning, walking down the aisle of the church "and placed flowers tied with rainbow ribbons in front of the altar of Jesus."

Afterward, they walked outside the church and placed flowers adorned with rainbow-colored ribbons at the foot of a statue of the Virgin Mary. "The intention is to make a visual show of our unwavering support for the LGBTQIA+ community, while also honoring the Blessed Mary," the group reportedly said on its website.

That statement no longer appears on the group website. However, the website does mention the demonstration at the church and provides pictures of it, including an image of the rainbow ribbons near the Virgin Mary statue.

At least one parent, who requested to remain anonymous, was horrified by the display. "Pride ribbons placed at the feet of Mary and at the altar of Jesus is blasphemy," the parent told the Post Millennial.

KIRO reported that parents held a similar demonstration outside school on Monday morning. In that instance, though, participants merely "recited prayers and sang hymns and tried to show some level of unity regarding the issue of Karen Pala." The outlet did not report any incidents of possible sacrilege.

Fr. Hagelin defended the decision not to renew Pala's contract in a lengthy statement viewed by the Post Millennial. In the statement, Fr. Hagelin claimed that Catholic school teachers also act in a "ministerial" capacity, and as pastor, he has the responsibility to ensure that such ministers live in ways that "convey the Faith with clarity."

When teachers fail to live "in alignment with Church teaching," he continued, "a pastor might find himself unable to sign a new yearly covenant in good conscience."

"Actions speak louder than words," Fr. Hagelin added, "and a teacher ideally not only teaches the faith, but also is seen as fully living it by their students."

L.U.K.E. indicated on its website that Fr. Hagelin would be leaving the parish and school later this summer.

Alex Hagel, an attorney for Pala, issued the following statement on her behalf: "As a lifelong Catholic devoted to the teachings of her faith, Miss Pala is deeply hurt by Father Brad's decision to end her stellar tenure at St. Luke for no reason other than the fact that she is engaged to a woman."

The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines marriage as a sacramental "covenant by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership for the whole of life" and claims that marriage "is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring" (emphasis added).

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