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Carjacker steals car with three kids sleeping inside and threatens to shoot them, but they fight back instead
Image Source: YouTube screenshot

Carjacker steals car with three kids sleeping inside and threatens to shoot them, but they fight back instead

"You get out of the car, or I'm going to shoot you!"

A 16-year-old is being hailed as a hero for fighting back when a carjacker stole her father's car while she and her siblings slept inside.

The harrowing incident occurred on Sunday in Chicago, Illinois.

Imama Muratab's father left his three kids napping in their car to step out for a second and pick up pizzas at a Domino's pizza store.

That's when a man climbed in and drove off with the car, and the children.

Muratab told NBC5-TV that she awoke to discover that someone other than her father was driving the car. Next to her were her 9-year-old brother and her 4-year-old sister.

"He goes, 'you get out of the car, or I'm going to shoot you,'" she recalled. "I'm like 'no, I can't. There's a baby in there, and my other sibling is in there too.'"

She says that despite being scared, she grabbed the suspect by the neck and reached to seize her father's phone. The other children jumped into the fight as well.

After the suspect realized she was calling the police, he jumped out of the car and into another vehicle.

The children were not harmed, and they were later reunited with their father.

Police were able to arrest four individuals when they caught up with the second vehicle, but the carjacking suspect was able to escape.

Here's the video of the interview with Muratab:

Carjackers Steals Vehicle With Teens Insidewww.youtube.com

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.