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Brilliant 15-year-old with master's degree set to attend law school this fall: 'My parents did a good job keeping me challenged'
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Brilliant 15-year-old with master's degree set to attend law school this fall: 'My parents did a good job keeping me challenged'

A bright teen from Mississippi has exceeded even his parents' high expectations. After already earning a master's degree, he now is set to attend law school this fall.

James "Jimmy" Chilimigras, 15, of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, has always been smart. His parents claim that he began speaking in full sentences by the time he was 2, and by 12, he was a high school graduate.

"We always knew he was bright, but I don’t think we expected he would accomplish so much, so fast," said his mother, Erin Chilimigras.

Though clearly smart, Jimmy said that he still struggled growing up. "When I did well at something, we kept moving up, so it wasn’t easy," he admitted. He credits his parents with identifying his skills and keeping him stimulated.

"My parents did a good job keeping me challenged," he said.

"Everyone has their smart areas and their trials, too," said Jimmy's father, John Chilimigras. "He loves reading, but he had trouble with reading and reading comprehension. We had to have some outside help to help him diagnose and when they worked through a plan of figuring out how his mind worked."

Despite his intelligence, Jimmy has always been expected to contribute around the house and spend time with family. Based on the following report from ABC News, Jimmy may have as many as four younger siblings:

After he graduated from St. John Paul the Great High School, Jimmy began taking online classes at Western Governors University, a private, online-only school based in Utah. He soon earned a bachelor's and a master's of science degree in accounting.

Now with a graduate degree under his belt, he has decided to follow in his grandfather's footsteps and attend law school. His grandfather, also named James Chilimigras, was an attorney for many years before he retired.

To that end, 15-year-old Jimmy recently took the LSAT and scored a whopping 174 out of a possible 180, the highest score currently recorded in Alabama, Louisiana, and his home state of Mississippi. Though he has not decided which law school he will attend, he stated that he will attend in person this time.

In the meantime, Grandpa James had some advice for his ambitious grandson. "Enjoy life" and "also be a child," the wise older man said.

Jimmy is expected to make his law school selection sometime in May.

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Cortney Weil

Cortney Weil

Sr. Editor, News

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