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Black Lives Matter militants harass young girls for their 'white privilege' as they walk into cheerleading competition
Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @CIA-Simulation Warlord

Black Lives Matter militants harass young girls for their 'white privilege' as they walk into cheerleading competition

A megaphone-wielding woman ridiculed their 'pretty little gorgeous outfits,' 'gorgeous hair,' and 'gorgeous bows'

Black Lives Matter militants harassed groups of young girls for their "white privilege" as they walked into a cheerleading competition in downtown Louisville, Kentucky, on Saturday.

What happened?

As one group of cheerleaders crossed the street into the Kentucky International Convention Center, Carmen M. Jones spelled out a message for them as she spoke into a megaphone, WDRB-TV reported.

"The reason why you get to be here in these pretty little gorgeous outfits and your gorgeous hair and your gorgeous bows is because of your white privilege," Jones said, according to the station. "Breonna [Taylor] is dead. Black mothers are burying their babies while white mothers send their daughters to cheer competitions."

Here's the clip:

Jones also appeared to command the cheerleaders to "do something black today with your white privilege." WDRB also said protesters held signs and used chants with profanities as the children walked in and out of the building.

Another video shows what appears to be a protester holding a rifle as the group faces down a group of police officers in front of the convention center:

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @CIA-Simulation Warlord

In the second video Jones can be heard on the megaphone hollering — apparently to cops — "We are not afraid of you! We are not intimidated by you!"

Then as another group of young girls headed into the cheerleading competition, Jones could be heard saying "they don't give a f*** about y'all!" One of the protester's signs read, "F*** the police."

Here's the clip. (Content warning: Profanity):

One dad isn't happy

A father of cheerleaders told WDRB that protesters "were badgering them all the way in the door" and that his oldest daughter "cried for about an hour" after the interaction.

"You could see it affected all these kids," the father told the station, only giving his first name — Rob — and not showing his face on camera during an interview.

Rob told WDRB that the protesters have a right to be there but should have left children out of it: "If there's a problem within life, you keep it between adults. You don't take kids and add them into the problems. It had nothing to do with them. Even if you have something that you're passionate about. That wasn't the way to go about it."

The station said Louisville police made three arrests at the protest, and among the charges were disorderly conduct and obstructing a highway.

Black Lives Matter leader is unmoved

Jones told WDRB that she and fellow protesters stand by their words and methods: "Yes, I did tell them 'Don't be somebody that my child is going to have to fight.' Because right now I'm fighting the grandchildren, the great-grandchildren of people's ancestors who didn't do right."

She added to the station that "Breonna Taylor will never be able to have a child to be able to take to a cheer competition. If black kids are children enough, and child enough, and mature enough to go through the things that we go through as children, then their children are children enough, child enough. and mature enough to learn about their privilege."

This Saturday will be the one-year anniversary of the death of Taylor, a 26-year-old black woman shot six times by Louisville police officers during a "no-knock" search warrant at her apartment. Officers returned fire after Taylor's boyfriend fired his gun thinking he and Taylor were robbery targets. Police suspected Taylor's apartment was being used to traffic drugs, but no drugs or money were found during the search. The incident ignited public outrage and protests around the country.

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Dave Urbanski

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