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'He will lose': Bill Maher insists Biden shouldn't run in 2024, suggests instead any Democrat who isn't 'woke' or 'stupid'
Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for EB

'He will lose': Bill Maher insists Biden shouldn't run in 2024, suggests instead any Democrat who isn't 'woke' or 'stupid'

Comedian and pundit Bill Maher concluded that Joe Biden must not run for president in 2024 if the Democrats hope to win, stating that anyone in the realm of being a "not stupid," not "woke" "50-ish-year-old" Democrat would be able to beat Donald Trump.

On his podcast "Club Random," Maher spoke to political analyst James Carville and said the two were on the same page about Biden being too old to run for president. Maher, however, stopped short of saying Biden was too old to be president and applauded his work during his term.

"He did a great service in 2020, maybe he was the only one who could've beaten Trump; now I think he's the only one who will lose to him."

"He will lose," Maher continued. "Because at some point perception becomes reality. Look, do I think he can do the job? Absolutely ... he cannot run for president."

The host made similar comments on his HBO show "Real Time with Bill Maher," where he insisted to his audience that it's time to move on from Biden.

"To those who say he beat Trump once, he'll do it again, I say things change. They always do," Maher said, according to Fox News. "The parade moves on. 2024 is not 2020 in so many key ways, including yes, Biden being four years older. You can be a national treasure and still be too old for the job. If I'm on a plane and the pilot says ‘This is your captain, Buzz Aldrin,' I'm getting off."

"He'll look bad in the debates, it's too much. He, I think, is going to lose. He will be Ruth Bader Biden. The Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the presidency. And any 50-ish, not stupid woke Democrat with a 'D' by their name — people just vote 'D' and 'R' — that person can win," Maher said on his podcast, before echoing the same sentiment on HBO.

"If this was 1860 when Joe first ran, this would not be an issue. You didn't have to look good. And there was no ubiquitous media to pick on every little mistake."

Maher also recently interviewed Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis and asked him why he "campaigned for election deniers in 2022."

DeSantis, while stating that he feels Trump legitimately lost in 2020, came back at Maher and Democrats' inability to accept the 2016 election.

“Let’s go back to 2016. Your friends in Hollywood were cutting ads telling the Electoral College to vote against Trump because it was stolen. They said Russia stole the election. For years they said that.”

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Andrew Chapados

Andrew Chapados

Andrew Chapados is a writer focusing on sports, culture, entertainment, gaming, and U.S. politics. The podcaster and former radio-broadcaster also served in the Canadian Armed Forces, which he confirms actually does exist.
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