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Professor: 'Vile little s**tlord' college students who back free speech should be fired from jobs, chased out of restaurants
Photographer: Aaron P. Bernstein/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Professor: 'Vile little s**tlord' college students who back free speech should be fired from jobs, chased out of restaurants

'And every grifting liar that goes on about campus "censorship" and the "marketplace of ideas"'

In the wake of Saturday's deadly synagogue attack near San Diego reportedly fueled by anti-Semitism, a professor tweeted that "vile little s**tlord" college students who stand up for free speech should be publicly exposed, fired from their jobs, and run out of restaurants.

The declaration from Matthew Sears of the University of New Brunswick in Canada came in two tweets. His first tweet indicated that "we should name every white supremacist. Name every writer, blogger, YouTuber, and politician that inspires them. Plaster their faces in public. Fire them from their jobs. Hound them from restaurants. Expose them and those that fuel them for the hateful pathetic wretches they are."

Sears' second tweet — which appears to have been deleted — said college students who advocate for free speech should suffer the same treatment, Campus Reform said: "And that includes every vile little s**tlord in a campus 'free speech' club who spends his time platforming white supremacist trolls under the banner of 'free speech,' and every grifting liar that goes on about campus 'censorship' and the 'marketplace of ideas.'"

What happened next?

Trial lawyer Robert Barnes pushed back against Sears' second tweet attacking college student free-speech advocates, and Sears replied that "there's a difference between free speech and those who use 'free speech' as a deliberate strategy to put hateful and discredited ideas into the mainstream and give them academic credibility. But you know that, you liar."

Image source: Twitter screenshot

What else did Sears say?

Campus Reform said Sears clarified to the outlet that his second tweet calling for the harassment of college students was directed at those who "invite bigoted provocateurs like Richard Spencer and Milo Yannopoulos" to speak at schools.

But Campus Reform also discovered Sears approved of the left's harassment of Trump officials in public places last year, noting the headline-grabbing June incident when White House press secretary Sarah Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant.

"Forget 'respectability politics,' forget the 'politics of division,' forget 'civility,'" Sears tweeted. "Let's denormalize these folks and their ideas every single chance we get, including throwing them the hell out of restaurants. Like we should have done *from the very beginning*."

The professor told Campus Reform in regard to his Sanders tweet that "I reject the notion that civility is the ultimate goal, especially in the face of what are some pretty outrageous human rights abuses, such as what we see along the U.S.-Mexico border. If someone like Sanders provides cover and routinely lies for someone like Trump, even if he is the most powerful person on earth, I fail to see how mouthing off to them in restaurants is beyond the pale. Yes, this could go both ways. But appeals to civility often only manage to maintain the status quo, and benefit those in power."

Sears also tweeted in February 2018 that "a Klan hood was a way to signify pretty much exactly the same values as MAGA signifies." MAGA refers to the phrase "Make America Great Again," which is emblazoned upon the iconic red cap that symbolized President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign. The cap has become a lightning rod for a growing number of those on the left who say it's synonymous with racism, bigotry, and hatred.

Campus Reform said the University of New Brunswick didn't reply to its request for comment in time for publication.

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