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WATCH: CNN's Jim Acosta goes after Fox News, doesn't deny he shouts questions at Trump for attention
CNN's Jim Acosta went after Fox News on Sunday and didn't deny he shouts questions at the president for attention. (Image source: YouTube screenshot)

WATCH: CNN's Jim Acosta goes after Fox News, doesn't deny he shouts questions at Trump for attention

Jim Acosta, CNN's chief White House correspondent, went after Fox News on Sunday during an interview with Brian Stelter on CNN's "Reliable Sources." The comments came during a discussion about criticism Acosta receives for shouting questions at President Donald Trump.

Later during the interview, Stelter asked Acosta about his motivation for yelling questions at Trump.

What did he say?

According to Acosta, Fox News and conservative media attack him for doing his job because they no longer have Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton to disparage.

"To some extent, the president and Fox News doesn't have Barack Obama around anymore, they don't have Hillary Clinton," Acosta claimed. "We’ve sort of replaced Obama and Hillary."

"They need somebody to attack and I think that we’ve sort of filled that role. Part of the issue is that I think, you know, instead of wanting to focus on the president’s behavior, they’d rather focus on our reporting on the president’s behavior," Acosta explained.

What further drives the divide, Acosta claimed, is the media's job as "fact checker." According to Acosta, because the media have to constantly correct Trump's lies, many people believe the media only bash the president.

"There are folks on the conservative side of the spectrum in the media, I refer to them affectionately as the 'MAGAphone.' They by and large just echo what the president wants to hear and what he wants to say. We see that a lot happening over on Fox News," Acosta said.

What about Acosta's infamous shouts?

Acosta made headlines on Friday after he declared he would not be silenced and vowed to continue shouting questions at Trump. His comments came after he shouted at Trump if he would stop labeling the media the "enemy of the people" in the wake of the shooting massacre at the Capital Gazette newspaper last week.

Stelter asked Acosta about his actions on Friday and whether or not he shouted to gain attention for himself.

"When you’re at the back of the room like you were on Friday, and you shout a question to Trump and he probably can’t even hear it, isn’t it true that you’re kind of doing that just to get attention? Isn't that part of what you're doing?" Stelter asked.

However, Acosta seemed uninterested in offering a direct answer to the question.

"Well, uh, on Friday when I was shouting that question I thought, 'First of all, he keeps calling us the enemy of the people, you know, someone ought to ask him after what happened in Annapolis, are you going to continue to call us the enemy of the people?'" Acosta said, adding it was not "unreasonable" for him to shout the question.

"But there’s a perception that you [shout questions] to get attention for yourself," Stelter followed up.

Instead of offering a direct answer, Acosta said Americans don't understand the process the media have for asking Trump questions.

"People don’t understand there’s a process to it and we typically adhere to that process," Acosta said.

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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