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Commentary: Amazing what radical leftists and Islamists have in common. And they're bringing it here
Left-wing demonstrators protest outside the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem on Monday. The opening of the U.S. Embassy sparked numerous protests, some violent and resulting in deaths, in Israel this week. (Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/Getty Images)

Commentary: Amazing what radical leftists and Islamists have in common. And they're bringing it here

Maybe it’s simply fortuitous convenience or maybe it’s a Tarantino-esque black comedy, but it’s amazing how much radical leftists and radical Islamists have in common with each other. It’s not a suggestion that the two movements secretly communicate with each other via cipher messages from underground command bunkers, but it’s impossible to miss how much their ideology often calls for the same things.

Let’s take a cruise through some of these similarities. Leftists want socialism to reign supreme via an all powerful controlling government. Islamists want the exact same thing. Just replace the words "Democratic Socialist president" with "Caliph." Exchange "Socialist Republic" with the word "Caliphate." One uses a distorted and modified Constitution while the other just calls it Sharia Law. Add it all together and you get the same result. A socialist fantasy world under the direction of an oppressive government.

To achieve all this, both Islamists and leftists are willing to weaponize a laundry list of like-minded causes and tactics.

Just look at progressive border policy. Open borders benefit both movements in one profound way — it’s prelude to chaos. Consider Europe right now: Terrorist organizations from all over are using the European Union’s progressive border policies to wreak havoc all over the continent. They want the chaos. They want a heavy-handed response. When the eventual crackdown comes, probably by a right-wing-leaning government, Islamist clerics will call on jihadis from all across the globe to unite.

What do you think progressives intend to get out of their open-border policies — besides votes? What do you expect to get from allowing thousands upon thousands of unchecked and unscreened immigrants to pour across the border? Like in Europe, it’s a security nightmare. But the key ultimately is weaponizing the eventual heavy-handed response.

It’s the same result expected from the so-called "migrant caravans" from South America. People like George Soros know full well what the response will be when hundreds — or even thousands — of migrants reach our southern border. There’s no way the vast majority of them will be granted access, but that’s not the point. The point is to sit back and watch the media firestorm as the U.S. Border Patrol and National Guard stare down, and — God forbid — respond with force.

This was on full display this week in Israel. While the negative headlines flowed in like a tsunami focusing on Israel's defense of the Gaza border, another protest was kicking off simultaneously — this time with leftists — smack dab in the middle of downtown Jerusalem. Did anyone in the media report on that?

Faithwire’s Dan Andros and I were on assignment in Jerusalem this week and quickly ran out to cover the left-wing protest.

What we found was similar rhetoric used by Hamas in Gaza, but these anti-Israel sentiments weren’t coming from Hamas terrorists, they were coming from the youth wing of a global progressive alliance. Coincidentally, but not really, that’s exactly the name of this global group — the Progressive Alliance. They’re also aligned with the Party of European Socialists. When asked who was organizing and leading the protest, they were quick to admit it.

Most of the protesters in attendance were members of the Israeli Labor Party youth wing or Young Workers Party, also called the "Young Guard." We also spoke to protesters who had flown in from as far away as Canada, but it was easy to identify dozens of organizers from multiple foreign countries.

There’s a global movement, with very deep pockets, actively pursuing an aggressive progressive agenda. It’s interesting how both the leftists and the Islamists fully endorse an operation rooted in creating chaos. If we don’t learn to identify and combat it in places like Israel, we’re in for a rude awakening once these tactics are deployed on our own borders or in our own streets.

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Jason Buttrill

Jason Buttrill

Jason Buttrill is a United States Marine and a former intelligence analyst for the Department of Defense. He is the head writer and chief researcher for "The Glenn Beck Program."
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