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Trump glares at reporter for asking a 'stupid question' - here's what he asked
President Trump glared at a reporter Tuesday for asking him if he was considering pardoning his personal lawyer Michael Cohen. (Image Source: YouTube screenshot)

Trump glares at reporter for asking a 'stupid question' - here's what he asked

President Trump glared at a journalist after he shot down his inquiry for being a "stupid question" at the White House Tuesday.

Here's what he asked

ABC News' Jon Karl asked the president to comment on speculation that he was considering pardoning Michael Cohen, his personal lawyer, if he were to be convicted in the special investigation into Russian interference and collusion.

"And What about Michael Cohen, are you considering a pardon for Michael Cohen?" Karl asked.

Trump appeared to dismiss the question, but then added, 'stupid question," while glaring at Karl.

The president was welcoming French President Emmanuel Macron, who was visiting the White House with his wife for a state dinner Tuesday.

Karl responded in a tweet to the interaction, saying, "But ... no answer."

Here's the video of Trump shooting down Karl's question:

Some in the media had been speculating that the president was using his social media account to signal to those being questioned and targeted by special counsel Robert Mueller that the president was willing to pardon them if they refused to cooperate.

One such tweet cited was one where Trump hinted that he was considering pardoning African-American boxing legend, Jack Johnson.

The pardon would be entirely symbolic, as Johnson passed away in 1946.

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.