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FLOTUS takes heat for meeting with pro-gun Parkland survivor — his response shuts down the haters
Parkland school shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv met with first lady Melania Trump last week and was forced to defend her afterward. (Image via Twitter @FLOTUS screenshot)

FLOTUS takes heat for meeting with pro-gun Parkland survivor — his response shuts down the haters

Kyle Kashuv, a 16-year-old student from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, is coming to the defense of first lady Melania Trump after she took heat for meeting with him last week.

What happened?

Kashuv, as one of the lone conservative voices from MSD, was overshadowed by his liberal peers until last week. During a whirlwind week, Kashuv did countless interviews and met with everyone from House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to President Donald Trump and the first lady.

Instead of touting a message of gun control and more firearm restrictions, Kashuv has emphasized the need for improving school safety, arguing increased school safety will prevent the next school massacre.

But after his meeting with the Trumps, a journalist took a shot at seemingly both the Trumps and Kashuv, criticizing the Trumps for promoting "the most vocally anti-gun control Parkland survivor just over the last few days."

How did Kashuv respond?

He quickly responded to Sommer and explained the Trump administration isn't using him as a political pawn. Instead, it was him who requested the sit-down with the president. He even explained the White House was hesitant to meet because they didn't want it to appear as if the meeting was politically expedient.

He later personally defended the first lady:

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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