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Brothers Tackle Gun Control, Attempt to 'Interview' AR-15 Rifle 'Blamed' for Deadly Mass Shootings

Brothers Tackle Gun Control, Attempt to 'Interview' AR-15 Rifle 'Blamed' for Deadly Mass Shootings

"Well, the moral of this story ..."

The Hayes Brothers got a fair bit of attention last month with a humorous video pointing out the "stupid" claims of "white privilege" — and the fact that the conservative siblings are black made their commentary all the more intriguing.

Image source: YouTube

Well, the pair are back with a new video in which they "interview" a special guest.

But the proceedings don't go so well. The guest doesn't want to talk. Understandable since the guest doesn't have a mouth. Worse still, the guest can't make decisions or process information — or even move.

Still, the Hayes Brothers are more than a little surprised that "Puff" — the "shy," closed-mouth AR-15 seated between them and decked out in a fedora on its barrel — won't defend himself against accusations that he's responsible for recent and past mass shootings.

Image source: YouTube

"You have free speech here, you can talk freely," Joel Hayes told the rifle, insisting that "inanimate objects now have rights" since rights come with being "blamed ... for killing."

Of course, the rifle is mum.

Image source: YouTube

"Help us social justice warriors," Chris Hayes mockingly pleaded, looking at the camera. "We don't understand ..."

Finally the Hayes brothers abandoned the fruitless interview.

"Well, the moral of this story kids is guns don't have mouths, they don't have brains, they can't think for themselves," Chris Hayes said. "People have mouths and brains and can think for themselves."

Image source: YouTube

"Inanimate objects cannot inherently be bad," Joel Hayes added. "So until you get down the root issue, you'll continue to have killings."

"You don't have a gun problem, you have a people problem," Chris Hayes said. "People commit crimes, guns are just tools."

The pair concluded by saying they were looking forward to seeing how the Turkey airport bombings would be spun to blame guns or Donald Trump or white people. "Those are the great scapegoats of the world," Chris Hayes added.

"We're safe," Joel said, chuckling.

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Dave Urbanski

Dave Urbanski

Sr. Editor, News

Dave Urbanski is a senior editor for Blaze News.
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