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I've Had Enough': Conservative Actress Stacey Dash Is Taking on Liberal Hollywood Head On

I've Had Enough': Conservative Actress Stacey Dash Is Taking on Liberal Hollywood Head On

"I say so what? Get a backbone."

Conservative actress Stacey Dash says she has “had enough” of conservatives in Hollywood being too afraid to stand up for their beliefs. But the actress is doing more than complaining about it — she’s starting a political movement.

Fox News screengrab

Dash seemingly hit her breaking point after the founder and owner of the NPR Hollywood public relations firm, Roger Neal, said people in the industry are surely “afraid” to support Trump “because their boss is very likely a Hillary Clinton supporter.”

“I say so what? Get a backbone,” Dash reacted. “Stand up for yourself. If you are a conservative, stand up. I’ve had enough.”

She then unveiled “Dash America,” which she described as “an exhilarating political movement that focuses on unity, faith, family values, and feminism,” and called for a “return to Reagan’s Hollywood.”

Dash said she hopes to bring back the tradition of Hollywood movies being “pro-America, pro-freedom, and pro-family values.”

“We are going to make that happen by writing, producing, and distributing films that showcase what is great about America and show us how to achieve its potential,” she added.

Get ready, Hollywood.


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